NEW MOON, New Creations

Good Morning New Humans,

Today is the New Moon Eclipse we talked about in the February Webcast – 4:05pm eastern. This eclipse bookends the powerful Lunar eclipse on January 31st and empowers the energy of support, community, alliances in your life – both in the physical realms and in the non-physical realms. This quote by Yogi Bhajan beautifully encapsulates what the teachings and lessons of this passage have been – letting go and letting God!

Personally, I have had my own deepening and illumination around what that catch phrase really means since the last eclipse. There are a lot of themes that seem to be coming together in this period of acceleration and change. The overarching theme for 2018 is EMBODIMENT. To understand the heart and true invitation of Divine Embodiment, many of us have been getting lessons and opportunities to see where we feel less than, not good enough, not worthy of the great task of being the teachers and leaders of a New Earth/Golden Age experience. I AM sure there is not one among us who can honestly say that even with all the work and reach, growth and understanding we have gathered on the spiritual path – that there are still not passing moments where we doubt what it all means and if we really deserve to BE the Light of the world!

This, really, has been the crux of my discussions with the higher realms over the past weeks… I get it – because, EMBODIMENT, to stand in that truth and accept the mantle of that responsibility – is to come face to face with the fact that the human condition is a constant medley of opposites. We experience happiness and sadness, both. We are born into contradiction – and it is bore into us from the first breath we take; yes, we know joys and success – but we also experience incredible loss and failures. It is almost as if with every in breath of more light and more love and more possibility to drink from… we know the exhale is coming and with it – the anticipation of the other shoe dropping.

And what has come in on the gentle current of a new feminine, forgiving and unconditionally loving consciousness stream is that it is only when we, as human beings, are complete with the failings and contradictions, that the spiritual path truly begins. For you see, in realizing that we are imperfect, vulnerable beings – we no longer have to try so hard to be accepted and fit in and forgiven. If we are constantly doubting that we are up to the task of being light, which is to simply be ourselves… if we are busy trying to do the work so that we are no longer separate from Source – we are, in fact, naming it and holding ourselves in the very separation we seek liberation from. For me, this quote from Yogi Bhajan and this NOW – so rich with the love of creation, is saying – “stop trying so hard, the kingdom already belongs to you – and we are just waiting for you to show up, step up and JUST BE!”

This moment, is perfect, as are you!  In this moment, is every dream you have ever dreamed and the wisdom to know which one you are awake in now – and why. I am remembering something I read once from Alan Watts. “What if you had the power every night, to dream any dream you wanted to dream  – and that you could, for example, have the power, within one night – to dream 75 years of time? And you would, naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, fulfill all of your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure, all your hearts desires. And after many nights of 75 years of total bliss and pleasure each – you would say, hmmmm, now ~ let’s have a surprise! Let’s have a dream which isn’t under control – you would get more and more adventurous and further and further out – even daring to gamble, in crafting your dream. And finally you would dream… where you are right now!”

The nugget of wisdom here, in this beautiful NOW – truly the stuff the most imaginative dreams are made of… is that God’s love, our place in heaven or the degree of light we are here to shine… is NOT something we have to earn or toil for. It is not something that some are endowed with while others, suffer and are forgotten. It is WHO WE ARE – each and everyone – expressions of One Source, One Love, One Light. To accept, allow or live as anything less, is not wrong – but it is a belief that is potentially cutting you off from the fullness you have come to EMBODY at this time.

This New Moon Eclipse is a focused beam on the Truth of who you are. It is the vibrational invitation and SUPPORT to move from ambivalence into certainty. Take time, a moment, an hour or more… create a sacred space in your home or out on the Mother – and feel the process of bowing the intellect of your mind to the wisdom of your heart. Indecision and uncertainty come from the mind, from fear and emotions… TRUTH and knowingness, live in your heart, they are always with you.

This eclipse will impregnate the energy of CHANGE in support of the shifts you are determined and ready to make at this time. Go within, feel the stillness and peace of this New Moon. It is aligned with an incredible alliance of support, of love, of community, brotherhood, sisterhood, recognizing one another as New HUman Family  – remembering too – that your community and support extends into the higher realms regions of spirit and light, as well.

You have dreamed and created and loved and known the fullfillment of lifetimes of dreams… and yet, this dream – the one you are dreaming NOW, is the one you have been truly waiting for. There is something calling you home – it is inbetween the thoughts of doubt – it is in between each breath you take. Creation is ready to serve you… just be you!

One Love, Light of Truth, Always in my Heart ~
DeAnne and the Shining Ones 💜





Posted in New Day
2 comments on “NEW MOON, New Creations
  1. Joyful Judy WOLLAM says:

    Dream-the one we are dreaming right now-the one we have been waiting for.

    Love it.

    Thanks for reminding us, DeAnne.


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