New Webcast Today!

Universeawareitself Place

Good Morning Light Tribe,

Within the frantic pace of holiday activity and the negative and fear based energy swirling around in the collective … there is a different choice, a new choice, a more empowered and peaceful possibility as we prepare for a new cycle in the coming year. This December – January influx of energy is a deeply sacred passage within which we have the opportunity to co-create with our own higher levels, the highest possibilities for our individual and collective world. In stillness, it is possible to feel this new self pushing up from the center of your physical aspect much like a newly sprouting seed emerges, up and out, so much bigger, more powerful and with expanded awareness. This webcast will include innercises and supports to assist the DNA and new realities to step forth. The ancients and ancestors are so present and watching this moment of human becoming ~ the earth wisdom and cosmic wisdom are coalescing to help guide our choices and perceptions to a new timeline and more evolved future for our world. WE MUST STAY FOCUSED ON PEACE to remain receptive to the Solar and Gaia Codes. We will look at the current effects of the accelerated timeline and the necessity of merging the lower and higher Selves at this time. Today’s webcast will support your ability to participate in the current reality more creatively, with expanded compassion and awareness and to open more fully to the creative life of the universe. I invite you to bring your best Self and the light of your intention as we join together as One Mind, One Body and One Heart – it feels to be a very full, expansive and illumining transmission – lots of grounding as we embrace the ramifications and gifts of 2017! Remember, not only are we ready for change – we are here because of it! May each breath be a prayer that we see all things clearly and respond always with wisdom and love.

The New Human ~ A Sacred Passage:
Saturday 12/17, 11:11am eastern
Relaxation Meditation: Quieting The Conscious Mind
Music: Radiance ~ the music of Aeoliah


Posted in New Day
3 comments on “New Webcast Today!
  1. joyfuljudy says:

    I enjoyed your webcast yesterday. I plan to listen to it again. In parts of it I felt as if I had sent a letter to myself via you and you were now reading it back to me. Loved hearing about the caves that opened up to you. Were the entities that you were seeing aware of you? Could you interact with them? I’m getting a lot out of the spinning-day 29 this morning. I saw something on FB about using sound and light for healing/removal of tumors etc. Off to a winter solstice gathering today.



    • DeAnne says:

      beautiful sharing that touched my (and Jim’s ;-)) heart Judy – thank you. It was the caves themselves more than beings that were teaching and telling me so much about them and how to incorporate them into the New Human experiences. I always feel as if I am hiking with a pretty large tribe – ALL of the nature is very active and participating – and too – the Earth Chalice – I was most aware of angelics – but felt it is a passage for other off worlders, as well. It is different depending on the day really – these experiences are always very much IN THE NOW!! xo

  2. joyfuljudy says:

    Thanks for the further explanations and info, DeAnne. Interesting that the caves were conveying more info. Magical portals! You have such amazing experiences.

    Hi to Jim and a pet for Bodhi.

    I’m off to another winter solstice celebration tomorrow.

    Sure looking forward to hearing your perspectives about the inaguration.


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