Radical Self Love ~ Equinox Gate

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

                                                                            Mary Oliver

Dear Light Tribe of a NEW HUMANITY,

My heart is SO full for all of you ~ those I know, those I don’t, those showing up in perfect timing to reflect my higher purpose and direction unfolding: NEW NEW NEW – Radiance abounds. Yes, the energies and passages are intense ~ I am undergoing a significant repatterning, reset, reboot with the passing of my mom. It still feels so surreal to say that as she was a larger than life figure to me and such a powerful player in my ascension. For the last few weeks we have been in an unprecedented passage of closure and creation, doors closing, chapters ending, stories being updated and retold from a new level of wisdom and heart consciousness. You will notice and begin to appreciate more and more that the closure vibe is preparing you, us, humanity for very new beginnings!

I was trail running this morning ~ I have been very devoted to a new trail system in the Shining Ones woods for several months now. It is high, divine, magical and pregnant with kundalini energy and massive crystal ancestors. I have been running a 5.3 mile loop on enchanted trails since they called me in to create and anchor them into this dimension in January of this year. This Vesica Piscis type loop that I run is in the central column section of this vast vortex – ( reflecting balance) yet it loops way over into the feminine and way over into the masculine, equally so. Vesica Piscis is the symbol of the sacred trinity and a point of new Creation! Energetically – this sacred geometry design in nature is helping to balance a new level of masculine and feminine into the New Grid – both within me and in the Collective. It is a NEW DAY – and I am FILLED with heart radiating gratitude for the teachers and lessons and love and emotions accompanying me on this current ascension passage.

Every time my feet touched the earth this morning in a rhythm both supported by my breath and quieting my mind ~ I was being filled up! with knowing and wisdom and vision and LOVE so much greater than the challenges of my day to day experience. And what I kept hearing – SHOUTED from within and on the mountain tops, on the wind, from every tree and rock and the soul of the Earth Mother, herself, is that this Fall Equinox Gate (Saturday the 22nd @ 9:54pm ET) is about RADICAL SELF LOVE! In fact – this is the heart and soul of every challenge, resistance, doubt and fear you may be experiencing. These tremendous solar waves are intent on the focus of helping you to CLEAR and bring to CLOSURE any remaining resistances or hindrance to you experiencing RADICAL SELF LOVE.

On the current New Human Transmission ( https://deannehampton.com/webcast/new-webcast-sunday-9-9-18/) we worked with the energy dynamic of Embodiment and Expansion, which very much carry and move with the geometry found in the Vesica Piscis. Embodiment (the vibrational intention of 2018 ascension) is a folding IN movement whereas Expansion is – well EXPANSION – Radiating OUT, getting BIGGER and standing in greater fullness as wayshowers, teachers and lovers of the light. I shared that this month through December is a revving up of the many facets of our lives, ALL for the purpose of EXPANDING into new lives and roles, capacities and service in 2019. And this Saturday – Fall Equinox – is a huge THRUST point in the new directions we have been preparing for. It is a doorway to a new level of RADICAL Self Love – if we are ready. What does that mean to you? What areas in your life could you love yourself more? Pema Chodron said, “be kinder to yourself – and then let your kindness flood the world.” Can you imagine? What needs to shift in your behavior, your self dialogue, your relationship choices and outer obligations to reflect a new level of kindness for the precious, unique SOURCE Light that you are? We all have gifts to cultivate – and we all get inspired by life and missions that matter to our unique dispositions. The question in this NOW – is what are we going to do with those gifts, those inspirations?

This Equinox is a sacred opportunity to welcome the next wave of our embodiment. Because of the significant shifts in the energies this year, especially so with the September through December influx, the Equinox passage is particularly strong. It is time to come home to our Selves, to the fullness of who and what we are. Be open to and aware of the people (old and new faces) showing up in your life right now – that SEE you and are there to remind you of your truest light. Go with that ~ feel and welcome that ~ and then allow the blocks and resistance, any reflections of old to go now – bless them on their way. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via our DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act and create.

I shared a very beautiful, authentic story on the current webcast of a new male crossing the rainbow bridge of his own Self awareness, the walk through his old energy matrix and conditioning to his Christed/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness state. It feels very much like walking with the eyes closed and stepping where there are no steps, no foundation – this ascension walk. But what it is really about is the willingness to live without a story – to move beyond what we think we know, to trust the unknown and to defiantly, fiercely, bravely move into it.

We are becoming something new ~ we must create space in our lives and minds and hearts everyday for that new to emerge. As these cosmic frequencies from the Great Central SUN (home of the Shining Ones) flow into our star system, they alter the way in which we co-create our reality into a purer, unified form in alignment with the background energy (the Cosmic Mother frequency) of Love.

Allow everything, every moment, every feeling, emotion, thought and possibility to rest in the background energy of LOVE. See this weekend as an open door to RADICAL SELF LOVE and then imagine your life through that lens ~ every facet and detail. You are the Creator – what will your next chapter be – what radiant new is rising from within your magnificent, brilliant life? Breathe into the consciousness of your heart as you prepare to receive maximum light for a positive trajectory shift and activations on behalf of the whole.

Know that the solar activity is immense – it will briefly amplify your story – the pain, the sorrow, the insecurities, fears, whatever the dialogue of your story is – imagine that sorrow to be a bridge saying:

I know you are tired – but come, this is the way.

Endings are beginnings, death and birth but one eternal movement, closures become launching pads into eternal bliss, higher awareness, deeper love. KEEP LETTING GO ~ witness everything as if it were a dandelion blowing on the wind. This NOW is as ABUNDANT as it is FILLED WITH LIGHT ~ with LOVE. Whatever appears as other than love ~ whatever questions seem to be limiting your freedom, (because you are ALREADY FREE) ~ *go to the Earth, *ask for clarity and wisdom from the INFINITE realms of presence and love that are with you in each moment ~ including your own immeasurable Higher Self. TALK WITH THE SHINING ONES ~ this is their TIME ~ they are SO incredibly wise and benevolent – their love for this planet is deep and wide. The Shining Ones know you, each and everyone by your frequency and light and they are committed to assisting you in returning to your crystalline essence – Christed DNA. Tell them what you are ready for and what “appears” to be a limitation – ask them to help you see it clearly and then feel the acknowledgement, the response and gratitude in your cells to this ancient to future, co creative partnership activating and synchronizing mind, body and spirit within you. Oh My!

It is a very big NOW, New HUmans ~ ( of COURSE we would be going to NEW ZEALAND in this now ~ merging worlds and ancients cultures and lightworkers in a powerful expression of UNITY!) I AM so very grateful to be sharing it with you. RADICAL SELF LOVE ~ this is the gift and power of this moment.

When you understand who and what you are,
your radiance projects into the universal radiance
and everything around you becomes creative and full of
~ yogi bhajan

Peace to all, Life to All, Love to All ~
DeAnne and the Shining Ones 

Join the Global Unity Meditations on SUNday September 23 at 8:11AM, 11:11AM and 5:11PM EST  This is a way to consciously Unify as One, activating a synchronized trigger for peace, harmony, balance and Ascension.


***Invite everyone to participate.❤️ 🙏


Posted in New Day
2 comments on “Radical Self Love ~ Equinox Gate
  1. Adair says:

    Pure brilliance! Always resonates so profoundly…brought me to my knees

    I know you are tired ~ but come this is the way

    🙌🙏😍 love you so much DeAnne

    • DeAnne says:

      Gratitude Adair ~ I cannot take all the credit ~ this is the brilliance and love of the New Earth, the Shining Ones, a new humanity now RISING… it humbles me everyday, the invitation and TRUTH of the 5th Dimension. I appreciate you very much and send that love right back to you. xo 💞

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