Heart Expansion, Brilliant Activations And Grace


Good Morning Beloved Light Tribe,

Whatever we think we know of grace, I imagine it is like looking at the sun in a rain puddle on an overcast day. Between the Lion’s Gate, which peaks on Saturday 8/8 and continues with its brilliance working directly with the hUman heart grid through the 12th – and the greater pull of the final Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway – we are in the midst of a powerful series if shifts and revelations for those choosing to embrace Ascension.

One of the things I have honed in on with the Shining Ones help on the New Human transmissions this year and even the Awaken To Happiness Telesummit this last Tuesday – is the shift to a very non-linear, multidimensional expression. We are no longer looking to the external reality for clues as to what we can do and when, what is acceptable or can be deemed “safe.” If we encounter the experiences of this embodiment mentally and emotionally – over thinking and using strategy over instinct… there will be a lot of fears to face and release, beliefs and out-worn assumptions about self and reality will be challenged and we will not get the clarity we desire about missions and the conscious choice to serve. As grace would have it and because of the Love so present with us, there are a series of frequencies entering during this Lion’s Gate passage which will assist all light-beings and starseeds in their service work. Remember, you are not here to experience Ascension but to serve it and this Shift with your gifts, your strengths, your awareness and your love.

Who do you want to be? What do you want to share and be called upon for? If you had the capacity right now to expand the collective’s ability to receive, accept, and integrate multidimensional awareness – what would that look like in your day to day circumstances? These are the questions you want to be sitting with during the next 7 days especially so. We are rapidly approaching a sharper delineation of collective realities. We had an exquisite example of this delineation and merge on the current webcast – aired Sunday 8/2. https://deannehampton.com/webcast-page/ There is a brand new grid system in the Shining Ones woods in what would be the vibrational equivalent of the 5th dimension. It demonstrates the movement of the Ascension spiral so beautifully, with such grace – reminding us that as any one of us moves into greater alignment with our Soul’s purpose, with the knowingness and wisdom of the heart and with dominant desire, that we leave openings for others to move up into! It expands the heart, as well, to recognize that others have come before us to make the way clear and easier on us as we move along in time and space.

The energies will continue to intensify and be much more provocative in order to transform the lower levels. The best action we can take to bring balance into our own process and to compliment the densities others are experiencing is to be kind, gracious and forgiving, generous and patient, reach out when you can, imagine yourself to be an expansive conduit of loving kindness filled with the grace of god on behalf of all you whom you encounter. And perhaps the greatest thing you can do for your Self as we venture into greater Mystery, Revelation and Mastery is be true to your path, walk as a companion to your own journey, devoted to your own divinity and delighted in the discoveries of new existence all along the way.

The invitation remains to join me in Spirit in the Shining Ones woods tomorrow, 8/8, for purification and anointed alignment with your highest and best Self for the greater good of all. Intention matters more than linear time as we will be gathering through time zones as a Collective and Family of Light. The next New HUman transmission will be Sunday 8/16 to prepare and run energy around the upcoming cosmic trigger event August 22-25. WE ARE RIDING THE WAVE TOGETHER – when your intention is to find balance and peace on the peak of that wave – you will gain the awareness of the highest perspective and in turn, be able to embody that awareness so that the Ascension may continue to unfold, choosing the new light, in the highest interest of all concerned.

Much Love to All, Gratitude, Peace, Oneness
DeAnne and the Shining Ones



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7 comments on “Heart Expansion, Brilliant Activations And Grace
  1. Karen says:

    I AM RE`laxing today, this day of 888 alignment & going deep within – through the Lion’s Gate, I flow, forever free. Today I affirm, I AM choosing LOVE/LIGHT/POWER over fear, to RE`member & RE`alise the Truth of my Spirit. De Anne I accept your invitation to walk with you & The Shining Ones, in Spirit, in Oneness through all time lines & dimensions……breathing in the sublime Peace of Pure Heart, Pure Mind, Pure Joy…..for the highest good of all….Blessed BE ((((((((+))))))))
    Sat Nam

  2. Katie says:

    Thank you DeAnne for this beautiful message! I will be joining you in spirit today in the Shining Ones woods. Much love to you and everyone in your beautiful community. You are such an inspiration to me! xo

  3. Joy says:

    Those questions to sit with…struck a chord within me. I was headed for the struggle with too much thinking and planning. Time to float up to the top of the waves. Thank you for your clear messages and reminders. I joined you in the Shining Ones woods and then went for a walk in our local woods.

    • DeAnne says:

      Indeed Joy, struggle and thinking seem constant companions;-) Yet, we do have choice and we are more empowered now to see and choose the new, the higher probability than ever before. It is equally meaningful to me that you are here – ALL of you – as we are family and we are remembering one another…THAT is the resonance. Whatever you find uplifting and beautiful in me is a reflection of that coming on line and activating in you! WE ARE THE NEW EARTH TRIBE!! xoxoxo

  4. beshelja says:

    namaste! wow, powerful visual. celebrated with you yesterday, with 2 friends who also in the Tribe, in a stream with our favorite crystals. Like little children, we played and sang. the air was charged with an energy that was palpable. we found a portal on the rocks in the woods next to the stream, fairies abounding, timelessness. since then, still timeless, wonder and also feeling somewhat lost…intention to be in the highest consciousness but difficult to say Who i “want to be” other than a servant of the Light. Then my mind gets engaged, worrying…then i breathe, and chant again. it seems like i must be outside with the trees and water, it almost feels like i am being called to move to be closer to nature. happy 20th year on YOUR move Deanne and thank you, felt you yesterday. blessings, judith

    • DeAnne says:

      I feel the movement from Carbon DNA to Crystalline DNA – back and forth in your sharing beshelja – mimicking the wave activity of the greater ascension energies. You are experiencing the repatterning process and though the mental and emotional aspect of that repatterning can be challenging – its sounds like you have the awareness of what you can do to provide the most stability and restore calm and balance. Gaia is definitely where its at!! 🙂 I was in the French Broad River this morning scoping out our altar site for the Equinox ritual in these ancient waters. There was some trial and error in figuring out how to negotiate the rapids to get out to these giant wisdom keepers (rocks) in the middle of the river – and yet – 3D just fell away and I was filled with peace and quite a data stream from the vertical dispensation. Continue to follow your instinct in doing what you need to do to remain neutral mentally yet a clear channel in opening to these beautiful waves of remembrance and crystalline light. You are doing a GREAT JOB~~ xo ? ☀

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