The True Teacher

DSC00143Om namah shivaya Guraye
Saccidananda Murtaye
Nishprapancaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase

I bow to the goodness within myself – the true teacher. This essences inside takes the form of truth, consciousness and bliss. Always present and full of peace, this essence inside is completely free and sparkles with a divine luster.

Infinite Blessing Light Tribe,

Today is the last day of the Cosmic Trigger and it has been MASSIVE! It’s intent and focus was on CLARITY and the truest Self – it’s magnetics were for the purpose of allowing us to move forward in the highest stream of light and consciousness possible to align with our truest path of service, love and the expression of our Mastery. Anything and everything coming in and getting our attention during triggers and gateways prior to the Equinox is especially significant! Use the power of the breath and “look” at all that is appearing and manifesting in your reality vibrationally – the energy has a whole different story to tell than what the mind can comprehend. Ultimately, it is all LOVE and always for the highest good.

So much material, visuals, guidance and bliss poured in during this 22-25th Cosmic Trigger on behalf of the New Human Equinox Initiative – and there is still a month to go! It is a blessed and exciting time. The highest potentials are guiding you to your truest alignment possible at this time – and it may not look anything like what you thought or were expecting. Feel. Breathe. Say Yes. The Pillars of Light we talked about in the current webcast and that I have blogged about here continue to be extraordinary and mystical. Know that they are tuning forks – each with their own harmonic – we will be working with them on the Equinox for sure!

As for the above pic – this is the energy I embrace in this now – I dedicate this pose, along with the mantra, to the earth’s waters and the New Human Equinox Initiative next month – gathering on behalf of the current earth imbalances and anchoring a new grid ~ that all may be free and sparkle with Divine luster!

Glorious, Infinite, Unbound Love~



Posted in New Day
2 comments on “The True Teacher
  1. Deanna Medley says:

    So beautiful DeAnne ♡ thank you for all you do ♡ can’t wait to meet everyone next month ♡ love and blessings ♡

    • DeAnne says:

      I AM looking forward to this new connection Deanna, obviously we know one another and you have something of value to contribute to this intention! xo

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