In the last month alone, there has been extreme uptick in violent crime… those in “authority” acting in extreme measure against those they see as separate from them and a threat. Everyday scenarios with journalist reporting stories, in movie theater, at army bases, evidence of people snapping and not being in their right mind – an overload of energy and shifting paradigms all a swirl in deconstructing identities and dismantling power structures. In one day, United Airlines was forced to ground all of its flights after its computer system “mysteriously stopped working”, the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading after its computerized trading system “mysteriously stopped working” and the Wall Street Journal’s website “mysteriously stopped working”. All in one day!
I AM feeling grateful for the myriad of tools and supports that have come in this year, via these new Light frequencies and the Shining Ones to help keep us remain stable, balanced and in our power through these shifts. I encourage you to find chosen moments of stillness to close your eyes, still your Self and tune into the New Human/New Earth/Shining Ones energies. Then go to the website and pull up the archives of New Human transmissions and allow your guidance to lead you to a show that aligns with and will support the energies you are currently vibrating. Remember – these archives are timeless so don’t be deterred about when they originally aired. Another suggestion is to go through the same process, turning to the New Day Blog or 5D Forum, the Time Out page filled with meditations, music and Gaia moments all chosen to support vibrational you. KNOW that this website and everything you find here is designed to be a vibrational refuge. Any of the multimedia options you choose to spend time with will communicate and work with you on a cellular level, relaxing the mind and body, fears and emotions, to allow you to connect with your truest essence, which houses your wisdom and your authentic power!
REMEMBER YOUR BREATH, take care with your energy and how you are spending your time. Intend to make every choice conscious. Stay away from media, if something does get your attention – take the scenario into your heart, light a candle, tone and then ask to be shown the higher expression and Divine purpose of that event.. for there is one. No exception. There is nothing more important you can be doing for your Self and our world than preparing your energy, your heart and your life to be the highest frequency possible for this Equinox Gate. It is not too late to join the New Human Equinox Initiative if you want to be in a transformational vortex along with brothers and sisters of Light – on Gaia’s behalf. One of the attendees contacted me yesterday and said she feels this Equinox gathering with her New Human Tribe is the most important thing she has ever done for her path. Ask yourself truly, “what part of my personality is no longer serving me?” and make that refinement your main objective for the next 13 days!
And stay tuned here – I feel another post coming about Divine Completion and how that invitation is altering both personal journey and identity for us all. Blessed be this time we are in and each of us choosing Divine Reach and Wholeness in this magnificent NOW – for the highest good of all.
With Love,
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