When I AM Still

I finally stopped counting how many times I fell in love with this day~ so much of this life is uncertain and cannot be counted on – yet the beauty of our Earth, the promise of a sunrise, the sweet freshness of dew hanging in the air as the long Fall days shift to the elegance and stillness of Winter… these treasures are timeless and eternal. It was a chilly start but we were up on the highest overhang of the North boundary at Bent Creek early in the day – red-faced and intimately intertwined with our breath after having climbed with the bikes for 45 minutes. I’ve carried the gratitude for that first sign of morning sun with me all day – deep in my heart, deep in my Soul. Seems the unknown and mystery of this life keep calling humanity deeper and deeper into the Self, into an interconnected wisdom with things more eternal and less transient. When I am still and in my heart, I am reminded that the same humanity that has gotten itself into such a dilemma of separation and alienation, discarding so much of what is true for temporary relief of emptiness – that same humanity has the capacity and wisdom to turn the runaway train around and join together toward workable solutions. In my imagination I am ALWAYS riding my bike into radiant sunrises with the promise of renewal and rebirth. My prayer is that humanity continue to re-member itself and how incredibly blessed we are to be on Earth at this time.

The sun rises and illuminates Hedges Pour-off


Posted in New Day
One comment on “When I AM Still
  1. Kimbrewmeistress says:

    I could feel it too, so magical and beautiful was your description. Thank you so much for sharing this glorious moment.

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