Blessings Of Immense Love and Light New Humans,
The energies emanating from our beloved Gaia now, coupled with the current Solar focus, is enveloping the HUman heart grid with the most incredible love at this time. It makes perfect sense that so much in the outer world of form is demonstrating energy just run amok with hatred and separation and power for powers sake. As was so beautifully streamed from the new energies in the current New Human Transmission ( Nov. 15) – the old is being blown apart by the new. It at once feels as if I will come undone with the love I feel pulsing through my body and yet, that same love filling my heart with Solar Light conveys a strength to push on and determine to be victorious in the name of this Love!
All my experiences in nature continue to amplify extraordinarily so – the energies in the Shining Ones woods in the upper most tiers, are incredibly powerful and palpable. A beautiful tribe of New Humans just journeyed all the way from Tokyo, Japan to experience the Shining Ones and this New Light in a vortex experience. There was instant recognition between myself and this group, even though over half of them spoke no English. I have a lot more to say about this event and more stunning photos with sacred geometry light radiating Solar energies to come… For now, just breathe into the radiance in the photos here, imagine the color and frequencies streaming into your pineal and use the energy to guide you through the next amplified wave of energy coming in tomorrow, the 23rd through the 28th. This feels like it will be an especially strong acceleration and you all have a role to play! This acceleration comes at a time when many thoughts and emotions are scattered into disempowering agendas for the holidays, making it all the more important that we make choices that allow for Self realization, joy and TLC of the human heart.
How else do you explain peoples coming from the other side of the world, a foreign culture, so full of joy and love, at a time filled with amplified anger and hatred and separation… except as a demonstration of Divine HUmanity embodying Christed Light. This is the radius and reach of the Shining Ones – their presence teaching the remembrance of Unity Consciousness, guiding the new hUman to Divine reunion with our Solar Cosmic Christed aspect.
Know that no matter what the details rearing up to distract or disarm or disempower you at this time, what is here and real in this NOW is sacred – and it is calling each of us to Self Empowerment. Life as we know it is morphing into a higher expression, the whole wild and undefinable process of Ascension itself is changing shape before our eyes – all for the purpose of the Light Tribe of humanity coming together to form the Christed HUman heart Grid on behalf of our beloved Earth Mother.
Remember, energy = energy, vibration = vibration. Do what is necessary to BE IN LOVE – for everything around you is in LOVE WITH YOU! Keep your focus on the incoming light, lift your thoughts, your emotions, your choices and action and LOVE to this radiance. As you join in the invitation and activity of this New Energy, you will open your being and life to the activation of this time~
“Come away with me,” the Great Mother whispers, “into greater harmony and peace for your world. This is your time to re-member who you are, to pivot as a crystal with endless facets of Light – away from that which reflects polarity back to the devotion of your Soul. It is there you will find only joy, it is there you will know only love, it is there you will remember you are all the same.”
One Love, New Humans, One Glorious, Never Ending, Radiant Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
What joy! I taught college students from Nagoya, Japan for years. One lesson was
“Nitsibotsu ishiki”…sundown consciousness. We talked and talked about what it would
Be like for the planet if everyone would stop for five minutes or so when the sun was
Going down and be in silent reverie. A beautiful practice, for sure.