Good Morning Light Tribe,
The Full Moon will reach its peak at 5:44 p.m. EST Wednesday evening. With all the suffering and non-sensical events happening in our world this Thanksgiving Eve, 2015 – take a moment, go outside and check out the light of this Full Moon. Imagine it illuminating the current darkness in our world – and deeper still, the darkest moments of your past year, so that you may visit them one last time before turning away completely. The element associated with this Full Moon is water – so if you desire a ritual to connect with the gifts of this moon, make a list of those things you are ready to surrender and move on from and then drown the list in a jar of water. Put it out on the porch or some place in the yard as an offering to Grandmother Moon. Then surround yourself with beauty – welcome the constancy and promise of the natural world into your heart to give your day a higher centered quality. Finally, given how much we value gratitude at this time of the year, bring awareness and love to what you cherish and delight in and imagine the Light of this Full Moon shining its illumination on the things and persons you hold most dear.
I sit in the radiance of this glorious moon, its light cast as a halo across the night sky ~ and I breathe in her wisdom, knowing it is not separate from me. Sacred and mysterious, balancing the power of the Sun’s presence in our world, I surrender into the cool waters of this night-time seer and trust my vision to her clarity and love. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
The New Human ?
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