Infinite Blessings Light Tribe,
I AM learning SO MUCH about my Self and existence, this new Light and the Mystery from our beloved Gaia, the Earth herself in this NOW. I AM just filled up and blissed out and grateful over the moon and back for the persistent and loving manner in which this new energy and new existence is reaching out to us and inviting us into remembrance.
Yesterday, after hanging out at the new Crystalline Waterfall I have recently discovered and spoken of, I was led higher and deeper into more mystery and more new discovery including another extensive waterfall and giant monoliths of ancient energies and wisdom. I will share more about this new territory on next Sunday’s (12/6) New HUman transmission… for now, breathe in a moment of this crystal energy and take into your heart this beautiful mantra. For you New HUmans that came to the Equinox Retreat – you have been practicing this, right? A simple but powerful reminder that the true teacher lives within and that as new hUmans, we are remembering our power and purpose at this time.
SUCH a blessed and sacred time!
Big Love to ALL,
Om namah shivaya Guraye
Saccidananda Murtaye
Nishprapancaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase
I bow to the goodness within myself – the true teacher. This essences inside takes the form of truth, consciousness and bliss. Always present and full of peace, this essence inside is completely free and sparkles with a divine luster.
My centering thought for today:
Being Glad
We Rise To
The Simple
Truth Of
Our Being
And Return
To Source
In an Instant,
Being Glad.
We rise to remember… ahhhhh beautiful Kathleen Gratitude for sharing♥