This is the Boomerang Nebula – take a moment to just breathe in its magnificence and feel the light it vibrates. Out of literally hundreds of thousands of captured images available to us of our galaxy – this is the image that wanted to be on the cover of the New Human. The Shining Ones asked me to revisit this image and the implications of the Boomerang Nebula as an attunement for the New Human Consciousness and Energy – to support the rapid changes underway in the expansion process.
We know the nature of a boomerang is to come back to its sender – no matter where it is sent, far or near and in a variety of circumstances and environments, the boomerang returns to the one who cast it out. This imagery, the light intelligence from the higher and greater cosmos, is a focal point for the NEW consciousness and energy humanity is waking up to. We are a people of many perspectives, ideas, beliefs and certainly levels of consciousness. Never before, as a species, have we been more empowered to make higher choices and create new outcomes for our lives and our world. Aim high, reach beyond, trust the moment you are in as one that will support you in your leap. Whatever you give to this ascension process will come back to you as a new possibility, a new potential, a new reality and a new level of who you know your Self to be in this NOW! Embody your ascension with all your heart, mind and Soul and you will know a new dimension of existence. This is the power available to you at this time.
All Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
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