Winter Solstice 2015

winter-solticeHappy Winter Solstice New Humans,

Take a deep breath and sigh out the fullness of this NOW! We are remembering how to live in expansive existence, shining our inner light brighter as we attune to the new possibilities present in our world. There are many new inspiring influences now sliding into place on Earth, extending an invitation of great love for the hUmanity ready to rise and live in the fullness of their potential at this time.

I’ve been on the road for the past week, moving through my history independent of the grooves and expectations of my past. If we are paying attention and abiding in the energies of a new consciousness, we know how imperative it is to be blazing new paths of what it means to be hUman today, demonstrating love and compassion and shining the Light brightly into circumstances that were once dim. As we discerned from the Shining Ones on the December 6th New Human Transmission, during the gateway this week over lighting the Christmas Holiday, many will be affected by the Solar Christed Light in new ways and be open to new possibilities within themselves as we transition into a brand new year and dimensional reality.

It is so very important to reach out with our love into as many circumstances as possible, not with need or attachment to outcome, but empowered with the understanding that the magnetics of a new world are unconditional in the desire for the current paradigm to SHIFT to a greater Unity. Keep in mind, that each being is responsible for their own ascension and that many more than those choosing to reside in new spaces, will choose to remain in the comfort of the known and conditioned circumstances. And it is all perfect and exactly as it should be. When we reach into the denser manifestations of separation and disharmony – we do it not to change it, but to change ourselves!

This week has not been effortless for me, but I continue to understand with deeper capacities that my work as an evolving hUman is to maintain higher and greater frequencies even as I experience pockets of known that appear unchanged and without forgiveness. Now more than ever, WE MUST RISE – now more than ever, we MUST SEE CLEARLY and hold a conscious container for the experiences of our past and the collective of our world to move more into the light. Again, without attachment, unconditionally and with compassion.

And so it is, that I find my Self delivered from this exploration of spaces in my past seemingly without light – right into the heart and energies of the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice reflects a still point or shift point in the movement of time on our planet that marks the transition from dark to Light. Take a moment and contemplate the deeper meaning of that transition within our world at this time. Breathe ~ that the greater transition underway for hUmanity will happen through compassion and love – for these are themes of a new society and Earth. Perhaps the most powerful focus to embody today, 12/21/15, is one of forgiveness… for our Selves, first and foremost. And too, for all our known and unknown relations – the family of hUmanity, for our beloved planet and for all karmic debt and ancestral bondage that we have visited upon ourselves or that have been visited upon us through the collective history of hUmanity. There is enough New Light, New Energy and Conscious embodiment on our planet at this time to accomplish that. I celebrate this and allow this awareness to carry me into new dimensions of time and space ongoing in my world now. Gaia, beautiful Mother, Namo Namah, is of tremendous support, as are the Shining Ones, with this planetary objective.

I encourage you, new hUman to new hUman, to think of the Winter Solstice as a time to clear and prepare for the final gateway of December 2015, occurring today through Christmas. Breathe ~ Create a ritual, a special ceremony and/or offering for the worlds that vibrate Light. Open your mind and heart to that which lies beyond and determine, once and for all, to let go of everything that troubles you. Right now, in this blessed moment, the energy of the Earth and that of the heavens are simultaneously ascending and descending to eclipse at a point, a new star, new Sun, new set point of what it means to be spiritually inhabiting form in this NOW.

This gateway, with the conscious understanding of the portal that opened earlier this month, along with the transition energies of the Winter Solstice, all inclusive, is one of Mastery. It is important with this compilation of energies, to do something to make your reach for the coming year, known to the Mystery. There is not a right or wrong way to honor the Light, to create a ritual or perform ceremony. Who are you ready to be, what do you want for your Self and our world? What are you ready to move on from, be free of, release to the Light within this transition? What activity would represent renewal to you? This time is not necessarily an easy one, but it is an incredibly powerful time that may be used to initiate a new trajectory of Self in a very positive way for the brand new year ahead of you.

The night before I left for my recent travels, I kept 2 of my “adopted nephews”, ages 4 and 7, while their parents spent some time helping Santa get ready for his big day this week. I tucked them in, wished them sweet dreams and gave each a kiss before lying down next to the 4 year old to make sure he was settled. After many moments of stillness and silence, the 4 year old whispered into the darkness of the room, – “DeAnne, will you be here when the Light comes?” sigh~ He was, of course asking, as only a 4 year old can, if I was going to spend the night… but that question, in this NOW, melted my heart into a trillion pieces and remains with me still.

Will you be here when the Light comes? Will you be present when the darkness transitions into a brilliancy that vibrates a new Unity and conscious presence in our world? It is a question that can be answered in a blink – when you are ready to live a new existence and model that change even in the most shadowy of circumstances.

Whatever your ritual entails, invite Gaia to the ceremony. Perhaps take a gift to your most treasured nature, you might write out what you are surrendering and then burn and/or bury this offering into her wisdom and transformation. Breathe deeply into your body, mind, heart and Spirit all that you are leaving behind, imagine the emotions connected to your release being infused into your ritual via the writing, via sage smoke, the Earth’s energies and/or the spirit of the 4 directions. Then, imagine your body filling with New Light, down through the crown and into every nook and cranny – all that you are ready now to embody, embrace, behold and GIFT to the world. Spend time in gratitude, acknowledging the lessons of your path, the many faces of the Light that gifted you those lessons and the wisdom that gifted you that growth.

The NEW is already here, New Humans, all around you, within our planet and all around your world. As we move into this Christed time of the year – and especially so after completing ritual, it is important to call forth the New, fill the empty spaces with something fresh and new. If your dreams are still incubating, this can be something as simple as placing flowers or a new crystal on your altar, surprising someone with a loving gesture or bringing JOY to another. If you are one of the growing numbers whom have caught glimpses of a new future and see your new desires manifesting in 2016 – ANCHOR THAT INTENTION with a drawing, a photo, a written intention or design to place on your altar. For more inspiration and light-code around sacred altar space and practices to embody the new hUman consciousness and energy in the New Year, revisit The New Human, Understanding Our Humanity, Embracing Our Divinity.

Breathe~ take the fullness of this NOW into your heart and take a moment to feel how incredibly blessed we are to be living in these times. No matter where you are in the world, what time zone or season, you are invited into the intention and power of this TRANSITION, for the Light knows no time, space or distance. We are MOVING as a hUmanity, all who desire a truer Existence and are ready to BE THE CHANGE, moving from one life into another. May we each be as the Sun, Lighting the whole world with our intentions, our actions, our words, desires, visions and LOVE this holy-day season. May we radiate the wisdom of perspectives free from the past from this moment forward and bring LOVE with us as a New Power to create lives of balance, beauty and brilliance in the coming year.

One Love, ALL Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
5 comments on “Winter Solstice 2015
  1. fitzcan says:

    Balance, beauty and brilliance …….sigh.

    That says it all..

    Love and gratitude~

  2. Michele says:

    I am so very grateful for the abundance of your posts. The Shining Ones, through you, fill my heart with so much light, love and wisdom. I am so looking forward to doing this ritual. You have given me such amazing guidance in preparation for going forth into this new year. I am eternally grateful. In the Light, Namaste, Michele

    • DeAnne says:

      Gratitude Michelle for the early Christmas present with your glowing expression of love and appreciation. YOU are why I do this and it is very fulfilling to know that the intention and light of this work is touching lives and helping to create change. Big SHINING ONES hug. xo

  3. Karen says:


  4. joyfuljudy says:

    “…will you be here when the Light comes?” Wow! The children arriving now are so awake. Thanks for sharing this precious moment.


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