Everywhere Love

Good Morning Light Tribe,

I found a perfectly etched, schist heart rock in the Shining Ones woods today! The sun illumined it in such a way that in a sea of hundreds of rocks, it glistened with brilliant invitation! Schist is a rock of metamorphosis and within the shape of a heart, I felt the blessed assurance of the transition to ONLY LOVE that our humanity is destined for.

What a beautiful, timely and significant “gift” from the Universal realms as we near the Equinox Gateway this Saturday. The current New HUman transmission is pretty otherworldly with nature phenomenon and light intel, itself – it seems that all the phenomenal worlds are stepping up and merging with the love and invitation of a humanity re-membering its own Light.

Light of Peace and Much JOY to all,
One Love,

The New HUman Equinox Transmission – Deepening And Devotion

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Posted in New Day
One comment on “Everywhere Love
  1. Karen says:

    I too am a collector of rocks on my nature sojourns…..they do tend to shine/call you for attention & to be picked up and taken home!! This one……so petite….. but so magnificent…..
    ONE HEART….Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh <3

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