Oh how the Light does SHINE in this NOW!
Good Morning Beautiful Light Tribe,
I AM just humbled by the love and opportunity that is present in this NOW ~ when you are perfectly still and in your heart, you can feel the light tribe becoming strong and quantum in the impact we are having on the collective consciousness. This year is one of resurrection and reunion ~ this is being mirrored back to us from the field in so many ways through so many facets of life as we know it. I feel as if I AM walking deeper and deeper into the remembrance of a time without differences, when you meet your truest self everywhere you go, in each person, a time of cooperation and the desire for meaningful solutions that take into consideration the highest and best for all. I cannot remember a time, certainly not this year, where complaining or apathy was present, period. Everywhere I go ( and I AM getting around) and no matter what the circumstance, what I AM witnessing is the gathering of the embodiers! Embodiment changes everything on everything level. It changes your personal life, collective belief systems, the energy fields of the planet, and the overarching mission of Gaia becoming a more Solar entity herself. That is why we do the good work; it has nothing to do with our personal journey when we surrender to this state. And the really amazing and exhilarating piece is that when embodiment is present, the what the how and the when of life is no longer a distraction. There is a blessed assurance and knowingness and JOY about each moment you are in. Yes, the way forward in this now no matter what the details of reality you find your Self in is to focus on love, solutions, creative service in communion with others of your heart, your tribe… and you will know them! The light tribe is appearing in our lives in many and unusual and beautiful ways. Get and stay OFF the agendas of the denser consciousness! Who you are being and the light you are shining and the happiness you are allowing is infinitely more powerful than the political, financial, ET conspiracy endless FEAR programs being amplified by the very same love here to dissolve remaining veils. Vibration = vibration. Make conscious, moment to moment choices with your innate wisdom and intend that your actions create harmony as the waves intensify and your truest existence becomes your new norm.
I will tell you a great Truth that I will be weaving into future blogs and shows and yes, New Human gatherings… we, humanity, we are returning to the ancient ways, the wisdom of our ancestors and the indigenous ones, ancient knowledge that many were stoned and burned and persecuted for – with the love and power of this new feminine light ~ it is rising through our blood and DNA and returning to light the path of remembrance for a new and unified humanity. We must go back, to go forward, we must go deeper to go higher… remember the twirler toy? All is being returned to Oneness – a new Unity in this Divine Merge of Christed Creation. We, the humanity of a very different, conscious future, we are surrounded now by the ancestors and ancients alike, this Divine Merge is all inclusive with the Earth Mother and our greater family of Light, infinite races of intelligence and wisdom who are shifting from observing the phenomenon that we are to joining in a long awaited co-creation for the greater good. All time and space is collapsing into a newer, higher, potential of what it means to be Divine New Human in these times. The energies are calling us back home, to the wisdom inside of us, to the earth, to dreams and sound, ancient practices that induce Self awareness, Self Responsibility, Self Power and eventually enlightenment. Watch for ongoing shifts in perception and feelings of gratitude as a new strength on your way to Self Mastery. Everything Is Changing ~ All Power Is With You, the Light is returning to the inner and outer worlds in tremendous waves because we are remembering a greater Truth. CELEBRATE LIFE!
With Appreciation, Joy, Peace and MUCH Love,
Well written, DeAnne, and so Right On!
Thank you, DeAnne, for this entry & your love.
Thank you again DeAnne for your inspiring words of wisdom. You take me out of the mundane to the magical mystery and bring me up higher! I am Grateful for your love and light.
Gratitude Ladies, it really is so important to shine light on what we CAN do and what is RIGHT about this moment in time. The energy and perspective I share does not discount that it is intense and tough EVERYDAY in the 3D zone. And yet, the power of the light and light tribe is expanding and the frequency of love is always present as a mooring to provide balance and peace and new strength for an ascending humanity. Deeper and Higher, defy resistances and give yourself permission to come more and more out of the known and play in the miracle that is true existence. xo