Incredibly Expansive Spaces

Good Morning Beautiful Light Tribe,

The Ascension energies and movement are really kicking into high gear with more expansiveness, opportunities and inspired action manifesting at rapid speed. I can feel the Summer Solstice energies already (wow – gratitude) and will be offering a powerful opportunity to harness this Solstice Gateway in a way that will allow you to align more directly with your personal vision of the future and your New Earth Service. 

If you have even a glimmer of an idea that would support movement in your life, you are encouraged to follow through without hesitation. ( I get at least 3 a day and it is equally exhausting and exhilarating! 😆 )The expansive spaces flooding the field are pouring into the mind via empowered thought around how you can bring more of your light forth into your current experience. Know that disorientation, addled thoughts stemming from old belief systems that are dismantling may try and mess with you via waking you up in the night with annoying chatter or an amplified sense of not belonging ANYWHERE, feelings you aren’t doing enough and you really want to be doing something with this energy and light etc … At the same time, you will be feeling much more peaceful and really notice more harmony in your relationships, a new strength in your body that you can’t quite put your finger on, the urge to travel and be with new people – ready to just LEAP into a totally new existence.

Both ends of the spectrum are a result of the same magnificent expansion, shift and movement. The new piece that really has my attention and that I AM working on for the next webcast on the 22nd – is the mechanics of grounding into these new spaces while very much in what appears to be the same reality and details. Pay attention – stay in heart consciousness and really notice the simultaneous presence between the old and new aspect – egoic self and Divine, shiny, bright, joyful Self that is steadfastly moving into full embodiment at this time.

Resist nothing, love and embrace your Self a little more each day as a new consciousness seeps into every cell and portion of your being. Take care that you do not over identify with what the ego perceives as undue burden or unfair circumstance that leave you at a disadvantage. This Light and moment and love is energy that is bigger than anything on this planet – systems, old agreements, institutions, etc. Whatever the details you find yourself in – know that you chose them out of Mastery, knowing you had the wisdom and capacity for Love to both transcend them and get the teaching you need from them. The Consciousness of this New HUman Paradigm does not negate the presence of challenges – but with faith and trust in the Truth of who we are – there is a conscious choice to focus on what is right, beautiful, working, blessing, moving, changing and free. If you have 247 things that are heavy and not cooperating and just one tiny smidgen of something to be grateful for – that one stream of this New Feminine Light can and will transform the remaining density. Only you can hold negativity in place – you are that powerful and you are that loved.

I thought it appropriate to share photos from the Grand Canyon in honor of the expansive love that is present in this NOW. Please join me Sunday, May 22nd @ 11:11am eastern for the next New Human TransmissionUP UP And Away – and stay tuned here for the Summer Solstice Event Flyer in the next day or 2. I welcome your presence, your wisdom, your love and your participation always in both events. Time to create NEW WORLDS – won’t you join me?

Know that YOU are the Light of the World and YOU are loved beyond measure…

Infinite Blessings of Peace, Wonder and Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones ???✨?

Posted in New Day
5 comments on “Incredibly Expansive Spaces
  1. JH says:

    “May the long time sun shine upon you,
    All Love surround you,
    And the pure Light within you,
    Guide your way on. ” Kundalini

    Thank you, Deanne! Showers of Blessings on you & yours!

    • DeAnne says:

      Gratitude JH – I love this holy mantra – we have actually used it on the show – Snatum Kaur does a beautiful version and I have done a “new human” take on it, as well. 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to share this beautiful hug. xo

  2. Karen says:

    I feel sooooooo blessed to feel our ONENESS & for you showing us our Divine Beauty & Radiant Light via your words & pictures of TRUTH….OM SHANTI OM (((((+))))) Thank you DeAnne & the Shining Ones….You keep me on the Path of my REsurrection….OM Shanti OM

    • DeAnne says:

      You are on the path of Light Karen and there is no better place to be! I Love and appreciate you too – the Shining Ones bow in reverence and love. Om Shanti Om

  3. joyfuljudy says:

    Everything well said. Loved the pix. Someday I intend to get to see the Grand Canyon in person. Loved the group pix of the 3 of you.



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