Good Morning Beloved Tribe,
While we are still basking in the PRESENCE of the High Heart gathering this Sunday past ~ take time today to marinate in the energy and light of this New Moon. It is ALL about COMMITMENT ~ new levels of commitment to Self, to the Divine New Human that is emerging and to the level of old you are ready to surrender.
Life is increasingly mystical, magical and filled with invitation to new ~ TRUST the mystery you find your Self in, breathe deeply into the vast spaces, new and strange as they may be ~ imagine, dream, open fully to the quickening and fall in LOVE with all that is presenting. The mirror of your truest life is here now, dive deeply into that reflection.
Big Love,
P.S. Stay tuned for the next New HUman Transmission with a focus on Co-Creation and more deepening around the Diamond Heart/High Heart Collaboration! JUICY TIMES!!!! 😉 ♥
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