At a time when so much seems to be coming undone, dismantling and magnifying separation ~ I encountered the magic of this Unity Tree. As the outer world swirls with disinformation and opinion, division of sides and words evoking fear over what choices will best help humanity untangle from its unconscious snarl … it is the natural world that can always be depended on to reflect higher Truths.
And where a simple form of technology cannot possibly capture the essence and energy, wisdom and magnificence of this ancient elder tree ~ my sincere desire was to capture a moment, a memory, a timeless message from the eternal ~ that all is truly well. This was a moment of utter and palpable peace ~ a moment when time and troubles were suspended and the humans, if paying attention, were invited into a remembrance of the sacred.
I felt deeply that this ancient tree was there to reflect and honor the New Earth, a new existence that has and continues to be a choice this humanity can make. Time is of the essence for this species, but our beautiful planet is on her ascension path, all her kingdoms are evolving with her and embodying the essence of a new consciousness, a new energy.
The Unity Tree is a reminder of our own evolution. Choose with purpose new humans, choose consciously and with confidence about the true nature of your being. We are ALL returning, we are ALL remembering home.
Ah, that is why you call it the Unity Tree. So appropriate for this time during our Ascension Process.