Take a breath into the newness and expansion of a very new timeline and focus for transforming lives and world. Exquisite waves of crystalline structure and Divine Feminine codes are releasing through Gaia’s new grid system, preparing new humans for new levels of skill and service. This Equinox Gateway was a doorway that opened like a crystalline stairway initially, expanding up and out like a beautiful flower of highly charged pure light prisms casting radiance and remembrances in every direction, preparing the ascending tribe for the NEW!
I was immersed in blessed and abundant vortex energies with various groups and shiny humans for the week surrounding the Equinox on the 22nd. Coming from someone who spends much of her waking life surrounded by and experiencing nature phenomenon ~ I remain in a suspended state of AWE at the level of Divine Feminine Ascended Master presence and participation that came in and remains, to assist an accelerated timeline. Like a multifaceted prism, this Gateway opened doorway within doorway, magnifying brand new experiences vibrating with heart consciousness and an incomparable level of Divine Love; requiring a new level of focus, integrity, humility and devotion. Do not doubt that this final week of September serves as a tremendous regeneration and rejuvenation of the heart, opening like a beautiful flower within, in response to this cosmic flowering all around us. The Cosmic Cross exercise introduced on the September 18th New Human Transmission (https://deannehampton.com/webcast/september-transmission-embodying-the-power-of-this-now/) will align you with the level of this passage that will allow your unique skills and creative endeavors to blossom, independent of the external realities.
This week in the sharing circle after the Sunday Dance Wave ~ a young woman, clearly moved and in her heart, began sharing about the impact ecstatic dance in such a warm and open community had had on her being. Then her energy shifted into fear as she began to talk about how difficult it was for her to maintain her light as a mom, raising a daughter, when so much of the world is in such disrepair. In just moments, she went from lighted radiance to utter despair as her energy followed her mind down the rabbit hole of fearful thought and perception.
Now more than ever, with vigilance and the heart of a warrior, we must focus on the divinity and purity of this ascension process and new timeline rather than the intentional distraction and dismantling of the old realities. Brand new experiences are here and available to you in this now moment ~ the veils are thinning and we are being met with new alignments, new perceptions and thought, new creative partnerships and joyful imaginings as we experience what it feels like to live in a timeline that compliments the flowering of the True Self. Think of this NOW as a stepping into a new reality with new mind activations that focus on the future and not the past. The New Self has a very different preoccupation with reality, breathe into and meditate on that invitation. This light is a gift ~ as are you ~ with many beautiful surprises and revelations available to you. Allow your heart and life to flower now, don’t hold back, welcome every change, every shift, every encounter and opportunity as a new level of communion with your own higher wisdom and mastery. Something wonderful and true is happening ~ is here now, on your behalf. On behalf of an evolving world. Open your heart, follow your joy, deepen your relationship with gratitude as it will be your most reliable compass to true and new reality. Know that as the old reality collapses inward, new doorways are opening, flowering, expanding into a new level of power and creation for the tribe of a new humanity. Focus your intention on Divine Perfection, a world balanced in sustainable and new creations where ALL beings may be happy and free. Never have we been more empowered to create reality, anew!
Wishing you so much Love, Contentment, the Joy of Being and the Freedom of Knowing, now and always.
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
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