Palpable Energies of Love, Truth, New Vision

15178290 10211273576416506 3586961346514656322 NNamaste’ New Humans,

I had such a beautiful experience of the here and now, the New Earth and Love this week. Our local, live music venue, the Orange Peel, hosted a Community Pot Luck to raise awareness and support for Standing Rock. It was a demonstration of Unity at its best – people from all walks of life and all ages coming together for a cause, uniting as One Voice against the unjust and imbalance in our world. There was live local music, tons of food prepared with love for total strangers (????), wisdom, song and indigenous prayer shared by young and elder Cherokee. And yet, it was more than these details. There was this nameless energy present, like a circle that left no one out but kept no one bound. With well over 100 people, I may have spoken to 10 – but they all felt like family. The experience was effortless and peaceful, genuine and spirit-filled.

Pivots of Consciousness – big and small, intimate and far reaching… this is the time we are in. Yes, life as we know it teeters on the edge of uncertainty, at best, with many focused on worst case scenarios. This IS the descending spiral and it is very real. But, there is also an ascending spiral in motion, happening right along side all that is in chaos and deceit, shadow and despair. This community event for Standing Rock reflected that which is flowering, growing, spreading and germinating the seeds of a new consciousness. We must gravitate to these experiences like bees to honey – understanding we are the pollinators of the way ~ even when so much of our world seems to have forgotten this.

Today is the final Super Moon of 2016, Gemini Full Moon, 12/13 @ 6pm eastern. The energies present are about truth, community, inspiration and creating new vision. The gifts of this moon empower you to forget about every other thing outside of yourself and to focus on who you are being, on being inspired by your own life in a way that reaches out in service to the greater good. We, humans, are incredibly supported in being True to our Self in this Now ~ to spiritual you and the desires you hold most true. The secret is finding a balance between the beginners mind, in letting go of the need to know – yet like an arrow long released from its bow, holding a very clear vision of what you wish to create in the future.

What I know for sure is that the gathering this week in support of Standing Rock, the community, the compassion, kindness and generosity of spirit demonstrated ~ is the future I envision. A future I experienced in a very real way, here and now. Pay attention to your life new humans, the invitation is everywhere extended to join with a new energy, come together in new and empowering ways to create with the intention of Unity and Love.

Create an intention everyday to meet your best Self in all your thoughts, your activities, your feelings and your desires. And find many moments in between to give thanks for every little thing ~ trusting life, trusting Self, trusting Love in all outcome.

Peace Be To ALL Equally ~ॐ
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

***New Webcast this Saturday – 11:11 eastern
come and share in higher perspective consciousness and LOVE!
The New Human: December ~ A Sacred Passage

Posted in New Day
3 comments on “Palpable Energies of Love, Truth, New Vision
  1. Kathleen says:

    Thank you for your consistent inspiration DeAnne
    With beauty above me
    And clear paths before me ~
    I enjoy chatting with an old friend as we surf
    Through layers of memories and waves of new
    Possibilities, woven together on clear paths of light.

  2. Karen says:

    I wish to BE that Alchemist of High Magic ~ Christed & Pure in all of my intentions & purpose, for an awakening humanity, how may I serve?
    ????????????OM Shanti OM????????????

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