Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining…
this day, this hour, this moment, this existence, all gifts ~
treasures expanding from within open hearts,
intuitive minds, expanded perceptions,
compassionate action and TRUST in the
wisdom of the Universe. Which, of course,
lies within you. Always ♥
As we gather and find solitude and count our
many blessings this Christmas 2016, may we look to
the new year upon us with the same wonder and promise
and PEACE, as we do the night sky. Invite in the holy ~
allow your own holy, share your holy, unconditionally.
“I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you ~
and that you will work them, water them with your blood
and tears and your laughter til they bloom,
til you yourself burst into bloom.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Love On High
DeAnne and the New Human Council Of Light
What a nice quote written by Estes-especially for those of us who are spinning.
Happy Winter Solstice to Everyone. (I prefer to say this because it celebrates a natural occurring event rather than a manmade event.)
Christmas has many gifts (some of my favorite songs and candlelight services to name a couple :-)) and is special to many ~ it is all in the way we celebrate and honor its essence. ♡
…all the candles, little twinkling lights, the music from so many traditions – and I think of my grown daughters and grandchildren in Switzerland, as right now they are in the forest near their homes, putting candles on the trees, singing around a bonfire……carrying on a tradition I began with them many decades ago, and which they continue EVERY year, now mother’s and wives themselves. My heart misses them all, but also ‘twinkles’ with love – Namaste to all.
my ancestors are smiling Marianne ~ thank you so MUCH for sharing this beautiful imagery and tradition. I AM THERE… yes, Christmas carries many traditions that become more and more meaningful with every generation and passing year! Christmas LOVE to you and yours this holiday season. With Love…xo★♡
Blessings beautiful ONEs ~ ~ ~ May we twinkle as the radiance of Christ Light & Love this Holy Day of Remembering .