From the moment I woke up this morning throughout the flow of many directions and activities during the day, my mind and body have felt the same, magnetic energy. It feels a lot like, “let’s go, don’t hesitate, join in, celebrate, come, come and delight in communion. If I follow the arc of energy I was feeling drawn into – there is a sense of a huge gathering, many are walking, riding, being called to and traveling toward the same place; a common cause, a significant and transformative event. I have a strong desire to GO and BE WITH ~ that this “something” is somehow very important and deeply meaningful!
In the current New Human Webcast – we worked with the energy of “home” ~ of community, creativity and the Cosmic Mother. There is definitely a strong theme of reunion and harmony building as we allow our consciousness and lives to shift toward what is emerging as a new possibility, an ancient promise amidst the chaos and turmoil of an unsettled world.
Enter the Cancer Full Moon!
This beautiful and captivating Full Moon (Thursday, January 12th @ 6:34am eastern) bestows the energy of Mother, inviting us into our feeling nature, our hearts and feminine wisdom. It reminds us that true power is not about force and resistance ~ as we soften and listen to the inner voice, to the presence and wisdom of the ancestors, solutions come from the well of empathetic awareness, heightened sensitivity and active compassion ie compassion in action!
There is a new power on our planet! It answers not to the past, yet gathers the past up as a container from which to shape a very different future born of receptivity, heart consciousness and the instinct to protect and nourish life! ALL life, the life within all things and all beings, life ever flowing in the heartbeat of our world.
This Cancer Moon (Mother) is further complimented by a Capricorn Sun (Father), again supporting community… that the measures and steps taken, be taken for the good of the whole; that individual, city, government – all infrastucture, business and acts of service be enveloped in the intention of the Mother Archetype, the Nourisher, the One who gives life, to all.
Energetic to work with this Full Moon:
What represents security to you, what allows you to feel safe? Are you able to truly relax into this now with a still mind and open heart? This nourishing Full Moon heightens your psychic abilities while stimulating your feeling nature. When we trust ourselves and our connection to everything else, we can be vulnerable and feel safe all at the same time – this is the gift of this Cancer Moon.
I AM the watery, receptive nature of the new feminine ~ I AM called into the heart of community, I AM emotionally present to this NOW, I welcome the mystery that resides within and all around me.
WOW ~~~I finally was able to listen in full to your NOW NEW Year webcast ~~~ via laughter & tears I AM aligned & connected to the Truth & Wisdom of all that you speak of. Sincerely grateful DeAnne for your presence in my life. I have been on retreat, becoming empowered with the Sisterhood of the Rose ~Divine Feminine Cosmic Grace/Space ~ ~ ~ grounding & connecting & Becoming! ONE LOVE xxx 2017 xxx Blessings Shining Ones Tribe ***