Good Morning Light Tribe,
Gratitude to the many who were present and holding space for yesterday’s New Human Transmission. We are piloting very new and unfamiliar atmospheres and discovering just how much work and dedication is necessary to stay conscious, heart centered and calm when the outer world is so unstable and chaotic. I would love to hear what parts of this webcast spoke to you, felt like light in a darkened room or provided new insight that feels tangible to you in your current relationship with the world.
I found a piece of reflection on the current Immigration Ban that I feel is solid and sound ~ I am including it below.
One of the most important energetics we must embody as we move forward in this new dynamic of energy is to stop reacting to everything the new “seat of power” in the U.S. says and does – to first take it in and think about it – this is the first and most important step. The denser energies are trying to throw us off our new found center – which is where our power is. Continue to be in the most loving, compassionate and receptive place that you can in your day to day reality ~ be a container for peace, for the unsettled emotions in the greater field to take refuge in. Strengthen community where you are, deepen connections, share your gifts and find opportunities, causes, local events and NEW BEINGS within your area that you can give yourself and time, your love and services to. Spend TIME with the energies of support and expansion in these New Human transmissions and meditations ~ feel the wisdom in the article below and find moments of respite to just close your eyes and listen to the Gayatri Mantra ~ the version below from the beautiful light, Deva Premal.
We are the Returning ONES ~ we bring Mastery, Wisdom and precious gifts to this NOW. We are moving forward, we see the temple of Light on the hill, we are not afraid, we will not be divided, we shall be victorious! P.S. WE ARE MUCH SMARTER THAN D.T.!! Hold the Light high over D.C! xo
From Heather Richardson, professor of History at Boston College:
“What Bannon is doing, most dramatically with last night’s ban on immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries– is creating what is known as a “shock event.”
Such an event is unexpected and confusing and throws a society into chaos. People scramble to react to the event, usually along some fault line that those responsible for the event can widen by claiming that they alone know how to restore order.
When opponents speak out, the authors of the shock event call them enemies. As society reels and tempers run high, those responsible for the shock event perform a sleight of hand to achieve their real goal, a goal they know to be hugely unpopular, but from which everyone has been distracted as they fight over the initial event. There is no longer concerted opposition to the real goal; opposition divides along the partisan lines established by the shock event.
Last night’s Executive Order has all the hallmarks of a shock event. It was not reviewed by any governmental agencies or lawyers before it was released, and counterterrorism experts insist they did not ask for it. People charged with enforcing it got no instructions about how to do so. Courts immediately have declared parts of it unconstitutional, but border police in some airports are refusing to stop enforcing it. Predictably, chaos has followed and tempers are hot.
My point today is this: unless you are the person setting it up, it is in no one’s interest to play the shock event game. It is designed explicitly to divide people who might otherwise come together so they cannot stand against something its authors think they won’t like. I don’t know what Bannon is up to– although I have some guesses– but because I know Bannon’s ideas well, I am positive that there is not a single person whom I consider a friend on either side of the aisle– and my friends range pretty widely– who will benefit from whatever it is.
If the shock event strategy works, though, many of you will blame each other, rather than Bannon, for the fallout. And the country will have been tricked into accepting their real goal. But because shock events destabilize a society, they can also be used positively. We do not have to respond along old fault lines. We could just as easily reorganize into a different pattern that threatens the people who sparked the event. A successful shock event depends on speed and chaos because it requires knee-jerk reactions so that people divide along established lines. This, for example, is how Confederate leaders railroaded the initial southern states out of the Union.
If people realize they are being played, though, they can reach across old lines and reorganize to challenge the leaders who are pulling the strings. This was Lincoln’s strategy when he joined together Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers, anti-Nebraska voters, and nativists into the new Republican Party to stand against the Slave Power. Five years before, such a coalition would have been unimaginable. Members of those groups agreed on very little other than that they wanted all Americans to have equal economic opportunity. Once they began to work together to promote a fair economic system, though, they found much common ground. They ended up rededicating the nation to a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Confederate leaders and Lincoln both knew about the political potential of a shock event. As we are in the midst of one, it seems worth noting that Lincoln seemed to have the better idea about how to use it.”
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