We are all taking a collective sigh as July fades into the horizon – a really big month with a great deal of inner activity as well as a lot of movement in our everyday lives. I am still coming off the buzz of the Asheville Yoga Festival where I took 2 “sold out” groups on vortex experience and shared a very full, energy packed 90 minutes with more smiling faces on the topics of the New Earth, New Human, New Timeline experience underway. I took people from big cities who were afraid of woods and bears and never venture far off the beaten path into the deep intimacy of the Earth kingdoms and many were in tears with gratitude. Many of those participating in all three “new human” activities were quite young – early and late 20’s – and they were like vibrational sponges in taking in both the nature energies and understanding – but also the light intel and new direction, tools offered in the talk. With the August Eclipse so near – the Lion’s Gate next week and the Solar activity around the new timeline – I feel the significance of the timing in bridging the teachings/remembrance of the Shining Ones/Crystalline DNA/New Human/New Earth Dimensions to this new population. Incredibly blessed, abundant 5 days of Unity, Love, Light and great JOY!
As we look toward the new horizon of August and what that means for our individual and collective lives – I feel this incredible strength and power pushing its way up and out from my core like a flower that will not be kept from the sun. I remember sharing in the July 16 webcast (https://deannehampton.com/webcast/apex-of-the-heart-choosing-love-new-webcast-716/) that I feel a greater sense of my own truth, more comfortable in my own skin and this human embodiment than I ever have before… this energetic expansion continues as we come into the apex and heart of this month. With the phenomenon of this August 21st eclipse – we are shedding the false beliefs and stories that inhibit our service. This month is an opportunity for massive change – what does that mean for you?
For me, I am very aware of how far beyond the beliefs and grooves of my genetics I have grown – and yet, with this new level of connection to my Self and service, my desire to LOVE more and be available to MORE – I AM equally aware of those last little sticky habits of my small self that inhibit my ability to shine and share the light. Really pay attention to this theme as we deepen into this month… above all else, remain deeply focused on the light and new timeline – and especially on your dominant desires. Take time to sit with your experiences in July – what stood out? what came to you effortlessly, in what moments or experiences were you most your Self? what did the new timeline gift to your awareness to prepare you for a greater expression of yourself and your gifts?
The last 5 days of July I was metaphorically plucked right out of my routine, my current flow of life, my habits and relationship with my everyday world. I was literally only home to sleep a few hours and then was back in an ascending spiral of activity, opportunity, remembrance, community, unity and love. It really gave me an opportunity to feel and experience deeply, my Self inside the new timeline. I could see clearly, like a multifaceted prism dancing in the sunlight – what is present in my life that is ready to be taken to the next level and how… as well as what I am truly ready to release – without fear, without thought, without resistance or hesitation. In these days leading to the eclipse – your POWER is in consciously choosing and then committing to NEW energetic space. To earnestly GO FOR something new – you have to change your set routines and allow the space (and time) for the new to take hold. CLEAR OUT AND LET GO – prepare the space for your new dreams of Self and let nothing stand in the way. Pay attention to what you hang on to and why. Feel the energy of keeping things simply because they may “someday be useful.”
August 1st I stayed home all day – except for time in the woods with Bodhi. I had no desire to go to yoga, to be social even though I have SO much joy and memory to share from the yoga festival. I needed time to just be. I slowly flowed through my day, following and allowing the rhythm of the vibrational world. I cleared out and made piles to give away, organized and created a peaceful sense of “new” order in the known around me. As I cleared the space around me with a sense of gratitude and peace – I felt the “new” energetics of all the abundance I received the last days of July. I noticed what came in and took time to really sit with it, allow and absorb it into my being and heart. One of the “gifts” I received was a goddess necklace – a one of a kind mala made from tulsi seeds, with an amethyst teardrop. Tulsi, or holy basil, is the most sacred of the woods, worshiped in temples as a living goddess. It awakens the love that is naturally in our hearts.
Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It is the crystal aligned with the Crown Chakra (vertical dispensation/new timeline entry) and it is my birthstone. (Aquarius) I put this mala on and immediately felt peace wash over me – the peace of being “home” – a place where nothing is separate from me and everything is love. I was guided to add a sri yanta charm that another new human gifted me a couple of years ago (I love this sri yantra) to the opposite end of the amethyst. The Sri Yantra is a 12, 000 year old symbol considered to be the “mother” of all yantras because all the other mantras derive from it. The Sri Yantra is the voice and heart of truth. When I laid this goddess mala out to take a picture – it fell into this heart shape effortlessly – the light effects are its own radiance.
This month is about instinct, intuition, dominant desire and Truth. The challenge will be bouts of confusion as the old and new sort themselves out, within. Clarity will come slowly as you re-evaluate what does not feel good, what does not belong to you and what truly inspires you. Pay attention to your energy – when it contracts and when it feels open and soft with the energy of the goddess, feminine light, divine love. Be fearless in your pursuit of the new and the true. There is so much I do not know and I am ok with that because what I do know is that my body is changing, my mind is changing, my heart is changing. I feel the essence of ALL IS FORGIVEN enveloping me as a reunion with my Soul.
In the final moments of the 4 day Yoga Festival (plus an additional day of service to the community) we gathered in the center of the city – the heart of Asheville – for a collective OM. It was such a magical moment of genuine happiness for all – so high on the energies of true LIFE! As I walked with my friend Merina and Jim to our car – I glanced up at the sky to discover this massive heart (pictured above) suspended on a radiant blue backdrop. I really don’t have a sufficient comeback for how this moment felt – and still feels. It is the perfect ending to the whole of the Yoga immersion weekend (yoga means intimacy) and equally perfect as a reflection of the greater shift we are now embodying, becoming and daring to live. The Great Mother is here, she has returned to gather up her children – children of the Light. A greater truth and a greater power is moving back into the center of our world – the choices, decisions, trust and courage we bring to the shifting landscape of our lives is first and foremost – about this love. You ARE this love. I welcome a world that reflects the truth and wisdom of my heart. May we each let every other thing fall away – lift your face to the light of this love and dare to shine it out into all of your experiences – this month and always.
Next New Human Webcast – Sunday, August 13th – 11:11am eastern
This transmission will be a lot of what you feel and derive here in this sharing – creating a container for the Mother – the Light of our Divinity – the greater expression of our gifts and the fullness of a New Human experience manifesting as a greater Truth in our world. Blessed are we to BE HERE NOW!
With Love, We ARE Oneness Rising,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Thank you for sharing these special words of wisdom . They moved my heart . I feel at peace and full of love and gratitude. I will be coming back to Asheville probably around August 26th for a week or two . Would love to connect with you .
????✨❤️ Love you DeAnne & The Shining Ones……your uplifting words & pictures sing joyfully to my heart, and as ONEness with our Soul…..OM! ???????????? Blessings BEloved 5D tribe (((((((+)))))))
From CA.
Beautiful blog! Capturing the inner essence of the yoga festival and the deeper experience of the changes within.
I am honored to be your friend. and so deeply grateful and joyful that I get to play with you on this journey towards remembrance.
I love you!Merina T.