I AM incredibly grateful, humbled and in AWE of this moment ~ from the trying to the true of its relentless cadence. No matter how the last 7 weeks have played out for you – this has been a deeply transformation passage that has collectively prepared us for the energetic shifts of 2018. Ready or not – it is going to be a magnificent, other-worldly, wildly fulfilling and liberating year. Let us rejoice and celebrate this NOW.
This passage culminates with the New Moon this coming Tuesday, January 16th. Gratitude to all of you that came and acknowledged the Cosmic Trigger on 1/11 with the first New HUman Transmission of 2018. Powerful times, powerful message, powerful NEW understanding of the dynamics of energy influencing our bodies, our minds, our hearts and our world! You will notice a decided energy shift in all aspects of your being as we come out of this deeply introspective period of influence. From personal change to global release, profound and ancient transmutation of the cosmic memory of the lower self and lower trajectories, from both the collective subconscious and individual akash, has presented a massive clearing on a globally cellular level. No words quite reflect what we have just endured and yet, with profound knowing and trust, we find ourselves ready to witness the next steps of our ascension laid out before us with a vibrational signature we will recognize on a soul level. Just wow!
On the 1/11 webcast, I shared at length the physical symptoms accompanying this cellular rewrite – all intensely beautiful effects of the incoming light level. Did I say, WOW!? Or perhaps geesh would be more fitting. 😉 The last 7 weeks have presented some very unusual health challenges as the DNA overwrites old formats, holding new light codes that previously were completely blocked. Know that the New HUman transmissions are light encoded to compliment the new trajectories. As always, you are encouraged to prepare sacred space for listening to these transformational energies, come to them when you have time and quietude to truly drink in the sustenance and remembrance in these webcasts.
I also spoke about diet (including your emotional, mental and spiritual diet) and the importance of listening to your body while attending to detoxing and cleansing needs ongoing. A good compass to follow in feeding sustenance to the body temple is to eat simply and light. Personally chosen herbal teas for my body’s needs, along with flower essences and acupuncture have been invaluable for me at this time. It is so very important to recognize and bring light and consciousness to previous coping mechanism. Feel deeply, witness without judgement and work consciously with these old patterns. The activity I spoke of in the heart center is expanding as etheric imprints dissipate from cellular memory. This is huge and SUCH a gift. Gratitude and love to all willing to be authentically you and vulnerable as we walk these crystalline pathways with open and neutral hearts.
Speaking of crystalline pathways and flowing with the highest trajectory – I AM sharing with you here a recent experience out on the Earth. Persistently frigid temperatures have not deterred me from spending time with the Mother in pristine nature. The first photo above is a beautiful expression of crystalline activity – the feeling was simply electric and alive with wonder and joy. The image below needs no words or imagination – the presence of a crystalline angel – a stunning reminder of how divinely overseen these rewrites are. The diamond/crystalline rays present now reflect pure ascension frequencies for Unity/Crystalline/Christ Consciousness. As we surrender to the gift and beauty of Unity Consciousness – we are simultaneously assisting and witnessing the light reveal the higher realities – which are here, everywhere around and within us.
There are no limitations moving forward. Reality as you know it may shapeshift and turn in unexpected ways – yet, everything is working toward Unity and open hearted service. There are strong templates coming in, consistently activating starseed DNA and the templates within Gaia. Dare to move unconditionally into the new without resistance – allow the wonder of your true life and true voice to level up and empower your service. You are so very needed – your love, your wisdom, your dedication and your unwavering alignment with Unity Consciousness.
Breathe ~ forgive ~ love ~ trust ~ imagine and set high intentions on the New Moon, Tuesday, January 16th, 8:18pm eastern. SO MUCH coming in for 2018! Stay tuned and BE LOVE. 🙏🏻
We are Oneness Rising ~ We are ONE LOVE, the New Human.
Always in my heart, DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Now I know why I have been feeling out of sorts (deep feelings of sadness because of the raping of Mother Earth). I feel it lifting today. So glad to have that over with.
Loved your webcast, DeAnne.I will definitely listen again. Thanks.
My diet has changed again and now I’m juicing regularly. There is one problem. My body requires less food and it is too easy to lose weight. Since I’m at my ideal weight I don’t want to lose any more.
12 min. ice bath! I don’t know how you do that but do admire you for being able to do it.
Of course I tuned in immediately when you said my name. Thanks.
Question about alternate breathing. Does it matter which hand I use? I’ve been using my right hand for a long time now. Have I been doing it backwards all this time?
Hi Judy – thanks for stopping by!
You can use either hand for the Nadi Shodhanna – the choice of the left hand just works more directly with the heart meridian and is the receiving side of the body.
As you know – I AM small and don’t care to lose body weight either – also I am very active and need calories and fuel. I wonder if you are paying attention to what I call, nutritionally dense foods? You can eat both light and clean and simple – and still supply vital nutrients and caloric fuel to your body. Are you incorporating healthy fats consistently? I have blogged about this in the 5D Forum – everyday I make a “medicinal” broth that includes ALL 3 – coconut oil, flax oil and olive oil. When I juice with raw veggies – I also add MCT or flax oil. This addresses heart health – joint and cell lubrication AND helps to maintain healthy weight in the body. So, pay attention to that – even eating a raw diet does not mean weight loss unless you are misinformed.
I also encourage (via the Shining Ones and Earth Mother) to vigilantly focus on, work with and hold space for the NEW EARTH GRID. The Earth as a living, breathing entity is a regenerating, rejuvenating system in a constant state of renewal. The Earth as a consciousness is not bound by EGO as humans are – so she does not live in the emotional and mental body. SHE is not “thinking” about who humans have been or how they have behaved – ala their ignorance and disregard. This is ALL ego activity. If we are bothered by emotion of ANY kind – that emotion is still stuck in us. ALL THE WHILE – our planet is receiving direct upgrades (as are we) from Solaris – the new energy – the crystals… the Earth is in her JOY and SHINY with the new activity that is birthing from within. I would look at what is holding on to sadness and abuse and take care that anything you are reading does not vibrate with victim consciousness as this will tether you to old paradigm experience and consequence. Hope this was helpful Judy – you are a love. xo
This is so profound, Deanna, and in total alignment with what other light workers are saying right now as well. I felt a huge energy shift yesterday – a lightening of the heavy load which allowed me to breathe again and which gave me utter joy and hope for our collective future. I feel that a corner has been turned. And I am so grateful for your true and loving service to us all. In love, Denise.
Gratitude Denise ~ even though the temps still say WINTER – I AM feeling like I want to work in the yard and beautify the gardens… for me, anticipating Spring is the same as feeling the corner has been turned. As I meet and talk with people (light workers) the challenge is going to be staying inward and listening to the stillness so that we continue to attract highest outcome rather than try and go make things happen. It is wonderful that you are feeling the embodiment and its always good to be able to breathe~ love and a hug to you – my world to yours. 💖
Thanks for your quick reply, DeAnne. I have a different perspective now about which hand to use for alternate breathing. I had already decided to use the left hand but still wanted to know why (that’s my analytical nature).
Thanks also for info about Mother Earth. It had not occurred to me that She does not have an ego. Amazing!
Thanks for input about ego based victim consciousness. I needed to hear this. I will focus on holding space for the New Earth Grid. Magical things are happening left and right and I’m getting better at asking for help from within.
Namaste’, My Friend,
PS Thanks also for input about my diet. I use olive and coconut oils. I’m thinking about getting a food processor. Heidi gave me a raw food cook book many years ago which I never used but I have been looking at the recipes recently and so many of them look good but require a food processor.
nuts, nut butters, whole sprouted grains, avocado, superfood smoothies with good fats… I pretty much eat these things everyday without thought. Simple means eating food close to its purest form and light means more grazing and eating more times a day but less quantity so that we are giving the digestive system time to process and reboot! We have a vitamixer and love it – we juice with the juicer twice a week so Bodhi always has pulp – and the other days we juice with the vitamix because then you keep all the fiber of what you are juicing. Turmeric and Ginger are extremely powerful and very good for the belly. A lot of these things I do without thought – but these come to me. I love coconut milk yogurt with local hearty raw granola – yum! We don’t use the food processor a lot – mostly for hummus – it really is about personal preference and needs.