Yesterday, on the Full Moon, I sent an invitation to Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. I introduced my Self and this body of work that is the New Human. I shared that the essential understanding and embodiment of a new relationship with power, specifically feminine power as a new Light on our planet, is a key awareness of this New Consciousness Paradigm. I explained how the greater timing of her rise into the position of Prime Minister was significant when so many of the old masculine constructs and institutions the world over are dismantling to various degrees. Finally, I correlated the trail she is blazing as the first female, youngest and new mom Prime Minister, to this work of empowering humans to live in the world differently, to discover their innate gifts and strengths and to put that passion into greater service, on behalf of all.
This is a time of bold moves, daring gestures, confident expressions of Self and invitations that exemplify Unity. This invitation sent from one side of the world to the other, coincided with a New Level of Light initiated by this February Full Moon. This coming (222) weekend will receive an influx of transformational energies that will begin an active preparation period building toward the Full Moon Equinox on March 20th. This Equinox will be very powerful day for balance and rewriting realities to be in alignment with the organic Galactic Shift. This is so meaningful and profound and powerful as there will be a High Vibe Tribe of New Humans celebrating both the Spring AND Fall Equinox in ceremony with the ancient Tui people in New Zealand. As I noted on the current webcast and in the previous blog, the humans who have been organically called to this Light Expansion Retreat are a mystical expression of polarities: male/female, representing 4 decades and coming from every corner of the world ~ reflecting different cultures, beliefs, races and societal influences. This day will be a KEY MOMENT for the outpourings of new light (because of its balancing qualities) for us ALL to Unify through our heart centers with new and higher levels of consciousness.
There really is no “pause” button on the cosmic currents ~ after the Equinox we have a mid April amplifier during Easter/Passover week that will amplify through the beginning of May. This amplification will highlight Divine Choice ~ activating many to step into new levels of Divine Service as their Embodied Higher Self. Grounding that intel down ~ its time to DO you and BE you and embrace your own very unique expression and gifts in a way that empowers you and brings you JOY! The greater your sense of JOY in who you are and why you are here ~ the greater your service in the world. It can be no other way.
Claiming a new relationship to power means reclaiming free will as a sovereign being. What does freedom mean to you? Drop that question from the mind into your heart and feel the answer. We have become so conditioned over our history to living according to expectations dictated from the outside in and rules that more often than not, are quite contrary to our basic humanity. If you peel back all that known and should and obligation and expectation ~ what does freedom mean to you? What does being free look like in your everyday life? How might marrying free will and a new relationship to your personal and our collective power, change LIFE on our planet?
One of the most consistent topics that have come up this year in my work with individuals and groups is that of shifting contracts. All that is dissolving and coming undone in the greater world is reflective of old agreements and contracts dissolving in our lives. This year will see a lot of new relationships and co-creations and alliances (including those with the Higher Realms) forming to align with new levels of personal and collective freedom. We must get over ourselves and the past and stand really strong and confidently in the new roles we are all destined to step into. BE HERE NOW = BE LOVE NOW.
Everything is escalating to catch up to the organic timeline experience. The sensation is pure, free, wondrous. However, the physical aspect is really undergoing stress on multiple levels. Every “body” will be different – but we MUST listen and not push and re-establish an intuitive, knowing relationship with our bodies that puts the body temple at the top of our priorities. Be aware of the need to slow your personal path for a few hours or days in order to redirect, realign or jump timeline experiences. Your nutritional needs will change daily, your body may demand STILLNESS in various, not always pleasant ways. The mind will try and go into overdrive to stay in control of what is happening physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically. Stay in loving kindness toward your Self and it ALL. Trust that you will get this and that there is so much support on multiple levels assisting you. Get outside and breathe, anchor, reset. You are ok – ALL IS WELL. The acceleration has a purpose on many levels, including collective trajectories. Deepen in your divine ability to live Self Love and remember to CELEBRATE your willingness to participate, self-correct, and unify as often as possible.
The invitation I sent to Jacinda Ardern was aligned with a greater devotion and has no attachment. I sent her the weekend schedule for Fairfield House and said she was welcome anytime. This demonstrates the energy of the new timeline consciousness ~ intelligence and new order of being that is asking us to STEP UP and OUT of the ordinary spaces, not with an agenda or anticipated outcome… but because we are filled with a remembrance that cannot be denied – that must be shared. And in the sharing ~ we shifting lives and changing worlds.
Everything matters in this NOW. Both your personal service and those toward a collective expansion. I am sharing a couple of photos here of crystals that were outside soaking up the Full Moon energy. Just a small gesture that creates a magical experience (see how happy and shiny they are) that nurtures the heart and light-body. Your energy everyday, your choices everyday, where your mind labors or where you allow it to be free with the NEW ~ this is the way you shine your intention and contribute to a global expansion underway. You cannot hide from this Light in the crevices of the past. It is calling ALL of us out to a New Day, a New Possibility, a New Level of power and personal responsibility – for the highest good of ALL.
Don’t you know, it is your Light that lights the world. Rumi
I look forward to sharing NEW and magical experiences with you when I return ~ but again, you are ALL always in my heart and I’ve no doubt the greater New HUman family the world over will be with this gathering, this intention and this expansion in New Zealand. When I return, we will begin to look at the Summer Solstice Gateway and how to best integrate the influxes happening along the way.
Stay with your Sunday Unity Meditations ~ this is a way for us to collectively empower the new timeline and experience the Oneness we all share. Such a beautiful Reunion underway. 🙏
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL, Life to ALL
With so much Gratitude,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
I’m impressed with the new Prime Minister of NZ and hope/intend that she contacts you. I like what you wrote to her.
I have been listening to episodes about stem cell therapies. I bet this would help your shoulders. It is the wave of future health care.
Love and Blessings,
My shoulders are STRONG Judy – I just use them a lot! I believe stem cell therapies help degenerative conditions – I have a client that was able to dodge hip replacement surgery with stem cell therapy! Good Stuff. LOVE to you!❤️
You are a beautiful Soul, sending you LOVE and LIGHT my dear friend.