I LOVE nature and the endless ways it shares its magic, its beauty and its love. The light in this photo captivated me in the moment. We were hiking up off the Blue Ridge Parkway and the nature at that time was quite dense with rhododendron and the earth’s lush wilderness. Suddenly, the sun reminded us there was a bright shiny day above the density as it came streaming through with intention and brilliance. It reminded me of the greater light, new light, penetrating the dense pockets of ignorance, fear and shadow in our world. It is as if a window has been thrown open, revealing new possibilities, new potentials, new invitation, new and profoundly inspired action from the many remembering a truer existence.
Please join me tomorrow as new humans everywhere gather in Unity, in shared desire, intention and love. There are several opportunities. First, the New HUman Global Unity Meditations that have been happening every Sunday for over 2 years now. Three different times to choose from (see below) ~ feel free to join in one or all of them.
Secondly ~ Tomorrow is the August New HUman Transmission! Transformational energies streaming live every month, highlighting the latest impact, movement and shifts in awakening ~ along with the consequent effects on our bodies, our hearts and our world. I AM really excited to share the latest light intel, story, metaphor and guidance demonstrating how the LIGHT IS ADVANCING for this planet and humanity.
August New HUman
The Light Is Advancing, HUGE Resolution To Old Stories
Sunday, August 4, 2019
New Human Global Unity Meditations
Sunday August 4, 8:11, 11:11am and 5:11pm eastern
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