Behold The Light
I love the light. I follow the light. I trust the light. It is not just something that I believe in or focus my mind on so that I don’t have to look at what is out of my control or seems unfixable. No, the Light is my Truth. It is what sustains me. It has intelligence. It has wisdom. It has compassion and a perspective that activates what is wise, intelligent and compassionate in me. To truly know the light of love is to journey without fear, to walk surefooted on a path toward uncertainty – knowing that you are always, already home.
Happy New Moon New Humans,
Today’s New Moon is special. It is referred to as a Black New Moon, which only happens every few years. A black New Moon is a moon that is in the same sign as the previous new moon. What makes the energy and presence of this new moon relevant in this NOW in that it expresses bridge energy. You know I love bridge energy ~ as does the Earth Mother – ongoing opportunities to cross over, to be supported in your intentions, dreams, spiritual desires and earthly challenges. It is a reminder, not just for our minds, but our bodies, our cells and heart consciousness that there is a continuity present. The new and powerful energy present to our planet and humanity is not dropping. Even as the outer world demonstrates so much imbalance and confusion, the new energy, Divine Feminine Light present is an opportunity for us to maintain and sustain this higher light activity as the lower consciousness continues to reset.
Everyday is an opportunity to rediscover the Light, within you and all around you. It’s force is powerful, it’s radiance a consistent and felt activation. This is a good day and week to get in touch with what is resetting in you – and also what is eternal and true. As you continue to keep your focus on what is RISING, unafraid, undeterred and forward moving in your devotion to this Light, you will see clearly what your next best Self and role is in this very unchartered uncertainty of expansion.
From Seeking To Embodying.
There is consistent support in the Shift toward higher ideals and possibilities for our world. Be very conscious of how you are running your energy, as the Universe always and consistently responds in kind. The mystery and unknown all around us is the new navigation system toward greater harmony and a very new and welcomed kind of security for all beings everywhere.
*Get outside often and in new ways.
* Opt for inspired ideas over routine and comfort zones.
* Be okay with not knowing, lean into that unknown
and refrain from filling it with busyness.
* Listen to your bodies! Move and treat them with loving kindness and reverence.
* Drink plenty of water.
*Meditate on your dominant desire in this NOW. It is also seeking you.
*Remind yourself everyday that the world needs you –
and you have gifts to share.
* Rest often and deep is essential.
* Flow with the calm emanating from Zero Point.
* Remember to Breathe 💞
The bridges are opening – the magnetics continue to be strong and palpable. This beautiful expression with my sweet Jyoti above is demonstrating both the tsunami of light and the golden light that is present everywhere and in each moment. Don’t miss it. Stay present. The cosmic realms and the earth herSelf are giving this humanity ongoing reasons to FALL IN LOVE with your life, your Self and this beautifully messy reset of humanity and planet. Just WOW. We are in an incredibly blissful and radiant portal of Light – let this photo be an inspiration. We are entering the second half of the 2020 Light Expansion that will culminate with the December/January transformation.
With the Lions Gate on the horizon, I AM preparing the next transmission of the New Human to support and stabilize your experience. It’s all LOVE people. This Global reset is training us to trust the Presence within and the New Earth dynamics of consistent alignment with highest interests of all concerned. IT IS A NEW DAY. Fall in love with it everyday. Trust the Light and yourselves. We are being made new from within, as is our beautiful planet. Everything is different. Stand fearless in the Peace and Victory of the True Light. The way ahead will continue to clarify your choices, decisions, purpose and Christed identity. From FEAR TO LOVE we Rise.
You are always on my mind and in my heart,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Oh Deanne! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL Post as I write through tears. I wii read it over & over & over.
One day to meet you personally in those magical mountains!
Thank you – LOVE is it, active as never before! Thank you!
Gratitude Jayne~ it is just so easy for me to find inspiration everyday in the blissful folds of the earth’s energy and love. I would LOVE to share some magic and beauty with you here… it seems to be an incredibly potent and powerful time to DRINK of the Earth’s wisdom and light. LOVE TO YOU!! sending a REAL hug!! xo
That is quite the pix! I did not know the jyoti meant light or maybe I forgot.
I know, right Judy?? TOTALLY unedited – the light was THAT brilliant. I was going to take a picture of her watching Bodhi in the distance, then right as I put the camera to my eye she turned her head which I love because it is like she is looking directly into the light. I also like the glow on the rock just in front of her… it reminds me of Merlin and Excalibur – I can imagine the sword in that stone. Yes, Jyoti (which she chose BEFORE she came in to me) is a sanskrit term meaning LIGHT, or Divine Light. It was meaningful in many ways… she was born (which I did not know until almost 8 weeks later) exactly one week after my mother passed – on a Sunday. I feel these 2 events definitely related… Jyoti arrived to bring MORE LIGHT into my life and be a companion for me stepping into a new level. I did mention all of this on a New Human webcast – but of course I say a LOT on those transmissions so totally ok to not remember every little thing. Happy for you to know that NOW! xo
Yep, I would certainly say that Jyoti’s arrival was related to your Mother’s transition. A little present from her to you. Glad she brings you so much joy.
I’m a little late in seeing your reply. Now onto the Lion’s Gate pix and webcast. I was BLOW AWAY when I saw the pix that you took yesterday. WHAT A GIFT!Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh, SOoo BEAUTIFUL.all the ribbons new Rays to weave our new carpet/s.
I Love the Ribbons playfulness,it’s innocence n’ you got it in a pic!
to get from the mundane to Magic in a camera click?
The ‘out of this world ‘is -evidently- very much here.
Thank you for this exquisite Rays display.can we touch ?
3 days ago I scribbled a note (It’s in my hand now).it’s written:
“THE WORLD IN TSUNAMI OF LIGHT -DeAnne”.(meaning-write to DeAnne).
I read the above -will again-and saw that word here too.I now read your note to Judy. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL surely hosts beautiful people.
Light’s Love on Cosmic Rays Ribbons everywhere, to All.
That is very cool Ruty and I am not surprised as we seem to be synced up in our hearts and intentions. So happy to share these ribbons with you 💞