Find the Wonder and hold on tight❣️
The New HUman, New Earth, New Reality is a peaceful middle ground. There is a very distinct initiative present right now that has the same, familiar “experts” who are very focused on dire outcomes politically, environmentally, with alien agendas, cyborg technology and inevitable threat to our freedom. They are playing their roles. There is a very distinct initiative present right now based in the belief that Donald Trump is a savior, claiming that any political agendas discrediting it are targeting and exploiting children in order to stay in control and power. They are playing their roles. There is a very distinct initiative right now, driven by money and a very hubris thirst for domination, that is threatening the balance of our environment and human population. They are playing their roles.
SO MUCH is present and swirling in this beautiful, pregnant NOW – because of the Light and transparency also present. And in the midst of all this choice and potential, just as purposefully so, is another deeper invitation. To bless it ALL, to lift it all to the Light with a peaceful heart, while stepping back from ALL the agendas and media investment, to seek and be present to your own wise counsel. Because, when you get still enough, when you create the space for zero point activation, all the various agendas become noise that is distracting to your own brilliant and creative center.
We are moving on. We are all being supported by the ascending energy, profound and beautiful magnetics and sound that carry the formula, the mystical knowledge and wisdom to start fresh. Freshness implies innocence. We cannot bring our anger and indignation into the new dream of humanity. We have created well from that palate. We cannot bring our busyness and somehow not yet enough mentality into the new dream of humanity. New minds, new bodies, new hearts is not a feel good comforter to wrap around our old beliefs and static frequency. The experience we see as reality all around us is obliging our consciousness and focus of energy. The only way for the next slide/image/vision of new creation to appear before us, is to first – become still. So still and for however long, until all the noise moves further and further from our present focus. Is your present focus, yours? Belonging to this brand new moment alone?
Remembrance is rushing in through the anatomical and etheric heart everyday, responding to the plasma light, the Sun’s crystalline radiance and harmonics that are both celestial and planetary. It is an attunement that is activating Crystalline DNA and Divine Timing to demonstrate new levels of manifestation that understand Universal Law. And it is very peaceful. You could be standing in a 3D experience surrounded by heavy machinery, sirens, humans captivated by the trance of obligations that do not fulfill. And still, STILL, you experience the peace of a new era of humanity that is already here. Present ONLY to what is true and aligned with a new timeline, new reality, new you.
As I sit with a pure stream of consciousness, feeling the vertical flow, feeling the LOVE of all Creation, an email comes in announcing a new album from local sisters Leah Song and Chloe Smith, of Rising Appalachia. These words shine out to me like neon reflections on the page, mirroring the consciousness and energy I AM sharing with you here.
“The lost mystique of being in the know – this is a quality of rarity birthed from curiosity, a precious mineral uncovered only by those willing to enter the underworlds, while up above the glut of rootless and empty information triggers landslides that bury the topography of a world of wonder.”
“Glut of rootless and empty information triggers landslides that bury the topography of a WORLD OF WONDER.” Right here, right now, in your zero point attunement within and without, there is no past, no agendas of destruction, no fear and what if’s, the mind is still and the heart OPENS WIDE to behold a world of wonder. To create with a world of wonder. To manifest with a world of wonder. To demonstrate the highest ideals and faculties, divine abilities and gifts of humanity that are welling up from the stillness, within. Zero Point. What is beautiful and true and wise and POWERFUL within you, is like a water spout that many for a very long time have been trying to board up. And yet, each time, that current, that intent driven flow of your unique, christed nature just diverts its flow and spouts up again, each time stronger. No longer alone, understanding, recognizing a new and powerful energy like a cosmic river that empowers the individual with the gnosis of Divine intent!
May has been an interesting month. I have no doubt, in preparation for the Summer Solstice Gateway. Are you noticing how much time has slowed down this month? An eerie stillness, nothingness is emerging that may very well make the egoic self panic? It feels a bit like life in slow motion. This may effect your work, your income flow, your ability to focus and “get things done.” You may also be noticing a different level of communication happening with friends, family, loved ones. Consciousness is expanding. Perspective is changing. ALL attributes and effects of Zero Point energy on your known. The pulling into a void of timelessness, an eternal and infinite experience of Self and Reality without limits. Pay attention, be present and just keep resetting your being to the now moment, vertical dispensation, because reality as we know it is rumbling, quaking, losing its hold as the New Reality Rises within.
If you are experiencing any of this timeless stillness ~ either you are just beginning to experience your own unlimited nature, (which will not fit into any known) or you are holding yourself back from it. We must allow the I AM to fully embody, even as we stumble around in the full on mysticism of it all. This is a time to get fierce, even defiant around any remaining fears or doubts you have as a Divine and powerful Creator Being. Because, in this moment, in our world and in your life, a world without boundaries or limits is opening to you, to us, to this humanity. Anything and everything is possible. We need only allow, direct the flow of God, of a limitless Universe to flow through our beautiful hearts. AND, to make being with WONDER a devoted priority everyday. There is no shortage of wonder in this world, the Earth, the Cosmos ~ only a lack of investment, therein.
As the constraints of a pandemic loosen in the world, there are NEW FREEDOMS being felt, both in the physical world but also in our eternal nature. A significant force driving that freedom is the choice in what we will invest our energy in? What we will give our focus and time to? High Magic is present every moment of our lives! We are all being asked to get outside our own box, be OK with not knowing where we are going, let go of the outcome while greeting each day with the wonder and enthusiasm of a child. We are fresh off arguably the most unpredictable year of our lives? What have we learned, discovered, felt, birthed from within the strangeness of a world ultimately resetting Itself… and asking us along, wonder – gratitude – LOVE front and center.
I took Bodhi and Jyoti to the river after a long run to swim and cool off. I “stood on the shore” as I threw sticks for Jaya to retrieve from the flowing currents. There was a particular rapid in the middle of the river that kept getting my attention, calling to me. It wasn’t long before I left the sideline of all that crystalline wonder and waded into the strong rhythm of the river, shoes and all. I stood in the middle, closed my eyes and just took the sensation in, the force, the certain destination, the freshness and LIFE enveloping me. When I opened my eyes, I looked down into the mosaic of stones rippling beneath the water’s surface. Lying right at my feet, in all that vast river of rock, was the heart you see above. If Father, Mother, Creator God Herself had handed it to me, it wouldn’t have had a greater impact. Wonder, it is everywhere, as is LOVE. Unconditional. Unbound. Free.
As with all things New HUman, New Consciousness, New Energy, New Reality and New Earth, I Am sharing energy with you here with the intention of tapping into and inciting the energy within you. Everything is different in this NOW! It is ours to move on from the stories of who and what this humanity has been, and to each fully recognize our own Truth, rising from within. Sophia, Gnosis, Alchemy and Zero Point are the order of the New Day we find ourselves in. And we must each find our way in this New Light. I AM and You Are, destined to create a very new and different experience of LIFE on this planet. Joining unique and immeasurable gifts, in Unity, for the love of ALL. In service to the One.
Take time to truly be with this May passage. Deep Self evaluation is the fulcrum as we prepare for the Grand Junction Nexus of the Summer Solstice Gateway. Everything is here to support you. You are truly unlimited in this NOW as you answer to, give your voice to and heed the inner wisdom of a truly organic experience of being human. When I take people out into vortex experience, I always remind them that everything in nature, the vibrational world, knows who they are! Not by their stories or age or job or physical features… but by their energy! The same is exquisitely and powerfully true of the frequencies of this New Reality Now, which are reading your Divine DNA like a quantum Akash. Worlds of Wonder within you NOW interacting, receiving and emitting a new living language with the infinite Worlds of Wonder in the Living Universe and beyond. You are a Divine Fractal of ALL THAT IS, re-membering your Creator Skills and capacity to direct that Light on the reality you desire to manifest. I believe in you! I AM SO GRATEFUL for you. And as I breathe deeper and deeper into the unmanifest worlds of Zero Point, I know you are breathing with me, as I AM, with you. This passage REQUIRES CHANGE. Breathtaking change at quantum rates with profound levels of surrender. TRUST Existence. Trust the God within you. Trust your energy. Take it for granted that you DO know what you are doing and ALLOW, LET GO, Submit to the River of Christed Flow. Joyfully. No thought. There is only Love.
The coming weeks into the Summer Solstice Gateway, provide many supports that appear as steps on a crystalline staircase. Embrace this new trajectory, embrace the revelations as you take on new levels of Being-ness.
Sunday, May 23rd, New HUman Global Unity Meditations.
As with everything we choose to engage in this NOW, we do not show up with thoughts of what we will receive – but what we are willing to give, share, and release. These meditations have been going strong since 2017, consistent, centered, aligned with Higher Intention for an evolving world. I highly recommend participation as you are able this Sunday, because the June Gateways begin to open this weekend. Unifying our hearts and intentions in this way will be powerful: Visualizing a very different life-stream for your Self and the HUman family, embracing revelation, rapid change, higher trajectories, heart choices.
3 different times to choose from:
Wednesday, May 26th, Lunar Eclipse, Full Super, Blood Moon
The 2nd Super Moon this month, book-ending this unique May passage. This is a significant Choice Point as we Advance beyond limiting beliefs and perceptual conditioning. Create an altar, devote more time to your meditation and stillness, invite Gaia and the new frequencies in to the Still Point of your new desires – leave the old stories on the altar of this Capricorn Giant Moon. Do not underestimate what you want from yourself and for yourself. Breathe in the BEAM, next level activations.
I AM very honored to be invited back to AWE, to speak about the New Earth, 5D, Vortex energies – how the Solar Flares and Schumann Spikes are affecting the Earth’s body and our transition to crystalline DNA. We did not realize when this was set up that it was on this Super Moon, Lunar Eclipse – but of course it is Divinely so!!
Sunday, June 6th, 11:11am eastern.
June New HUman Energy Transmission!
The energies in these webcast are becoming increasingly vast ~ as always, I AM committed to following the energies of the NOW moment in these transmissions. We have the additional LIFT in an already expansive RISE of the 6/6 portal energy for this webcast… the new meditation very purposefully included this month will be in support of Manifestation Success... as we approach the Solstice Gateway. This webcast will help you harness and direct your Creator Skills, redirecting your attention from all dissolving structures while empowering new direction, Freedom Codes and the courage to step fully into the Revelations surrounding your new reality creations. LOTS OF LOVE pouring in, as always and profoundly.
Thursday, June 10th Solar Eclipse, New Moon
For me, it just feels like ALL OF EXISTENCE is hitting us with everything it has, in the way of LOVE and FREEDOM and NEW LIFE. Can we imagine it? Can we allow it? Are we ready to BE IT?? This New? Remember, a world without boundaries or limits is opening to you – anything and everything is possible. The frequencies this day will be palpable in support of leveling UP, dropping off of the old Self, clear intentions and visions of the “seeds of new” you are planting for harvest. I have NEVER journaled so much, lots of free writing, drawing out plans of what I AM envisioning and creating with great detail. This is something moving me from within. We must get “ideas” out of the mental where the ego and emotions tend to influence – and ANCHOR NEW CREATIONS NOW in the way you are guided or moved. Self – Revelation will rapidly increase with the Solar flashes, revealing very transparent, crystalline bridges to New Earth Creations… everything flowing through the heart. (note: revisit the May webcast for essential supports for the anotomical and etheric heart as these quantum waves and plasma light flow through.
Saturday, June 19th – Wednesday June 23rd. Solar Synchronization!
New activities are coming in, ongoing, for this event. As we move closer to this Organic Stargate Alignment, the magnetics of Zero Point are informing the activities we will, as a community, be participating and creating with during this 5 day event. The Solstice itself is a Quantum Shift Point. There is still time to gather yourself up and COME, ALLOW and BE in the energies of Embodiment of the Crystalline Lightbody. With the additional and VAST support of the oldest mountains on the planet -those called to participate will be Unifying Golden Race Codes with the intention of activating as Conduits of Pure Consciousness. These mountains, the Ancient Ones and Wisdom Keepers, the Spiritual Wisdom of the Dragons, Lemurian and Atlantean Legacy… changed the trajectory of my life. I AM devoted to sharing that wisdom and love of Creation in helping others to understand how their unique crystalline energy compliments the New Diamond Magnetic Earth energy. We are in HOLY PARTNERSHIP NOW with the Earth Mother. This week will be in service to the greater Ascension underway – and to understanding the new roles we are each stepping into; true alignment with our feeling nature and the new frequencies running through the Heart Stargate!!
A world without boundaries or limits is opening to you!
Solar Synchronization
Solar Synchronization 2021 PDF
Extended Flyer:
Sending So Much Love, Gratitude, a Very, Very Full Heart ~
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Full moon Brilliance Blessings – Eclipsed with Love’s Lumenous Light for you and for me and for all of US WHO are >>> WE.
Thank you DeAnne /The Shining Ones for igniting a torch on our way forward.
There’s a song :
“each one is a small light but TOGETHER we are MIGHTY bright.”
It was the most AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and EXPANSIVE day Ruty – what generous love to be so present and supportive of CHANGE for this humanity. I did get up at 4:30am to view the eclipse – but we were in a blanket of FOG! Still, the ENERGY more than made up for for it. It sounds like you had a powerful, blissful Blood Moon Eclipse yourself – sending love from my part of the world to yours… In Oneness❣️
while fog was blanketing your view up ,no doubt you were in full view to Moon and Sun above. I feel their smiles or imagining it…
When you’re next to The Mighty Tree-I believe a spark of Lord Meta-tron-
Please will you spend 3 sec. with it for/from me -if OK to ask and good for you to receive. (connecting with it, the Power surge is so strong, potent.
if I cld have a straw piece of this hawk like bark…) so much Love.,
Sure Ruty, I can do that, happy to! Blessings! xo