Everything All At Once!

This support and love brought to you by Osiris, Isis, Thoth, Maat
and New HUman Mateo

Namaste’ New HUmans,

Just wanting to check in with you ALL during this powerful Eclipse window. What a blissfully intense passage we are in! Feeling into the energy in the Field as I ran beautiful, winding trails this morning, this is the metaphor that came to me to share. The current energy is very much like that of being continually met by a giant wave as you stand ankle deep in the ocean. There is barely a pause in between, just wave after wave after wave making continual contact with human you. The mind and old perceptions are exhausted from the ongoing impact. Trying to wipe the water from your face and steady your balance, longing to just sit for a moment and catch your breath.

The truth is, the Cosmic Mother is providing a deeply profound compliment to our Ascension process in this Now. Everything, every moment, every experience and symptom, emotion, thought… however you are being with this NOW – is ultimately to assist in embodying new perceptions and the shift to a new operating system. Our current human perception and operating system will create a lot of resistance to what is currently unfolding. Limited perceptions are not comfortable with strange physical symptoms and can easily interpret through concern or even fear. Resistance to what is ready to leave, to transform, to upgrade and CHANGE in your current reality will result in various levels of fatigue, brain fog, lack of inspiration and motivation. Limited perceptions and the old operating system will keep trying to fix, make excuses, look for logical explanations in an effort to reason ourselves out of the dis-ease.

But what if… we just let go! What if, instead of resisting the waves that seem unrelenting, we just surrender to what we are experiencing? What if we closed our eyes and relaxed the body and TRUSTED that whatever we are feeling in the details… we are being carried – and there is something brand new to catch us where we will perceive something completely different and New?

In the past several weeks, we had the Equinox Gate which provided for Core Shifts in the way we navigate the 3D realms and the experience of being human on this planet. Then came Easter – delivering profound waves of Peace – greater presence from Cosmic Mother. All leading up to and delivering us into this Eclipse passage: the Solar Eclipse just passed on April 19 and the Lunar Eclipse happening on the 5th of May!

Eclipses fortify our choices while ushering in new frequencies during the realm shift. Whatever you have been experiencing since Equinox, is meant to and WILL intensify: more heart expansion, more dissolving of the old creations. Back to the earlier metaphor… trying to resist the waves or block the waves or run from them, will only create more separation and intensity. Imagine laying down on the shore and just letting the giant waves wash over you. When you get your mind and emotions still enough to do that – TRUSTING THE PROCESS YOU ARE IN – the waves will then take you and absorb you into their fluid, undulating, transformational nature. Reminding you of your fluid, undulating, transformational nature.

The photos I AM sharing with you here are so very precious to me, captured expressions of energy that speak to something so much greater than the limited perception of the human experience. A beautiful and dear to me new human named Mateo recently traveled to Egypt. He gifted me these two keepsakes from this ancient, holy land. The first image is a copper ankh from the Temple of Osiris in the city of Dendara. On the front of the ankh are a baboon, the symbol of Thoth, and a feather, the symbol of Maat. Osiris is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt and the husband of Isis. He ruled over the underworlds. Thoth was the god of the moon and sacred texts, a great messenger and recorder of the deities; a master of knowledge and the god of wisdom. Finally, Maat, also spelled Mayet, in ancient Egyptian religion was the daughter of Ra and Hathor. Often associated with Thoth, Maat personified truth, justice and cosmic order.

These beings coming into my life at this time is less about legend and lore and more about energy, vibration rippling across time and space, higher intention and capacities we all carry within. They are me, in another time and space. And I AM, today, carrying the same core of truth and power in my cells; responsible to the legacy they anchored when they walked the Earth.

The next photo(s) is an Isis Stone! Isis, goddess of healing and magic, to ancient Egyptian religion and belief, she was the Great Mother. She is the goddess of healing, protection and magic. When we think of all the ascended feminine masters , Isis is like the seed out of which the Great Mother blossomed into these many different expressions of Feminine Mastery, Power, Authority and LOVE.

In the first image, the Isis stone looks like a Blue Mountain, a beautiful homage to the ancient landscape I am held by today. In the second photo, which is simply a different face of the same stone, there is a heart. 💙 And depending on how long you have been journeying with me here, you are aware that the Shining Ones often express with an other-worldly blue color that I can only refer to as Cerulean Blue.

It is ALL just so much, this NOW. And I AM not talking about what is falling, dismantling, expressing as chaos and destruction and death. No, I AM referring to what is RISING, the daily, breath-taking ALCHEMY of a world and consciousness, of energy and hearts, becoming NEW. I AM shining the LIGHT on PRESENCE. And it matters not if it is in the form of some ancient symbol or a shiny blue stone, humans in a moment making a NEW CHOICE in their lives, whatever that may be… restless bodies and minds as they transform from fearful and finite to fearless and UNBOUND… we are re-membering one by one, day by day, that there is a new dispensation of BEINGNGESS available to us as a species. We just gotta be willing to let go of the shore. And to love each other through the process.

To make the most of this Eclipse Gateway – we must first get our minds on board with what is happening. Feel back into the progression mentioned earlier in this post; Equinox to Easter to Eclipses! While our bodies work to integrate these new states of beingness – the physical shifts will alter sleep, diet, relationships, how we experience nature and even very real levitation and bi-location experiences. But the greater and essential shifts are in the awareness of heart transformation, expanded perception of realities (happening SO MUCH out on the new human pilgrimages) and deep, deep connection with the I AM Presence/Source/Infinite Creator/LOVE. Breathe that in. 🙏🏽

Get out of your routines – find much time for nothingness, step up your practices to still the mind and continue to invite the realms to reflect NEW Love/Light and experiences in your reality. We will explore more and greater detail on how the STAR brother and sisterhoods of Light are interacting, communicating and influencing these new states and perceptions on the next New HUman Transmission – May 7, 2023!

Next week on Sunday 4/30, we will Unify All Coherent Hearts in Global Meditation.

Know that nothing is happening that is not aligned with the perfection of this New Reality. The door is open, the invitation has been extended. Let ALL resistance go and TRUST THE MOMENT YOU ARE IN. Relax into what is. Only the mind thinks that nothing is changing. BREATHE IN this new dispensation. The Cosmic Mother has permeated coherent Hearts, activating a palpable new level of Unity Consciousness. ALL IS WELL.

ONE in Light and Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Global Unity Meditation: Sunday 4/30/23

This will follow the format of our ongoing Global Unity Meditations – (see link) self guided 30 minute meditation, allowing for 3 different times to choose from.

New Human May Energy Transmission: Sunday 5/7/23

Stay tuned here and on mailing list for Theme/Meditation/Time.


Posted in New Day
5 comments on “Everything All At Once!
  1. Kathleen says:

    Yes, “all shall be well and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” – Julian of Norwich. Let us embrace and celebrate the message and wisdom of this great Mystic. Thank you, DeAnne, for sharing YOUR great messages and wisdom.

  2. Jayne says:

    What a beautiful and needed message dear DeAnne and the Shining Ones – I can breathe so deeply through it and will read it again and again. It brings tears to my eyes and peace and joy to my heart.

    Bless you, Bless All – AMAZING GRACE …

  3. DeAnne says:

    Always grateful to have you beautiful ladies stop by with your shiny presence.🙏🏽

  4. Karen says:

    YES, all is well! Thankyou DeAnne & The Shining One’s for your divinely & timely words of wisdom. Much appreciated as my body & mind adjust to align & let go……..YES, all is WELL! ✨💖✨ I now resonate with a deeper sense of New HUman BEing ~ much LOVE & Light 🌟💕🌟

    • DeAnne says:

      “I now resonate with a deeper sense of New HUman BEing”… that just fills me with all kinds of gratitude Karen. And yes, indeed you do!!
      Big Hug and Big Hug to you. 🥰

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