Solstice and Full Moon!



Namaste’ New HUmans,

Just felt to check in with you all before heading out to be with the Earth Mother via the New HUman Solstice Retreat. We spent time on this Gateway in the June Transmission, with a Solstice Meditation included. But just WOW at the level of Reconciliation, Balance and Liberation energies flowing. Truly, the Solstice Gate tomorrow and the Full Moon Friday so close together are creating a powerful portal for change, healing, expansion and manifestation. We are already flowing in those rivers as the Plasma Light continues to build from the Geostorms last month. All this gift in this NOW, Earth, Cosmos, Soul, DNA is providing great support toward true purpose and next steps in your life in this NOW.

One of the intentions I am really excited about with this retreat is that we will be in the most powerful vortex in this entire region for the Solstice, then spend time in a negative vortex for the Full Moon. Being so purely in these polarities during this dual power portal, really amplifies the energies that will be present. We will bring ALL of you, the human family, in during this experience and I invite you to use your intention and tune in, joining us from wherever you are.

The heart of a solstice is a time to both celebrate and honor your past, all the things great and small that have made you YOU in this NOW and have contributed to your growth. Then we have a Capricorn Full Moon! This just fills my heart with wonder because its energies bring greater buoyancy and RISE to what Solaris and Gaia have already been urging us into ~ a greater container of expression for your gifts, your service and your light. What does that look like in your life? Imagine something beautiful throwing the door of your life wide open and saying – COME ON, come play in these fields of wonder and power and purpose with me! How big is your YES, New HUmans? Because the invitation is vast.

Create space and time, often, in the next couple of days to contemplate your power in relation to your relationships. your work, your health, family, projects and potentials unfolding. Use this beautiful gift of Solstice/Full Moon to stretch your container and build your power. You are so very needed in this unprecedented time of being human. And equally loved.

Summer Solstice
Thursday, June 20th, 4:50pm eastern
Full Moon in Capricorn
Friday, June 21st, 7:07pm eastern

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti

Posted in New Day

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