All realms and facets of life as our human mind comprehends it to be – *sun, universe, planet, star systems, geostorms, once in a lifetime eclipses – each and everyone are orchestrating, like a divine play, the activation and awakening of a New HUman being. From the inside out. A re-membrance. The Shift is full scale.
The New HUman moves without thought. The New HUman lives only in this moment. The New HUman is supported and finds every sustenance it needs outside of and independent of the world of form. The New HUman is a Consciousness Pivot – a Shift in Perception – and the vibrational capacity to live beyond fear. Beyond death. The New HUman is genetically endowed to co-create with other worlds, higher vibrating beings who know only love – a NEW EARTH Existence – that is already actualized, in a higher vibrating reality. We are walking into a destiny that already exists. Every experience, every sorrow, every pain, every victory, perceived blessing, every achievement – has been fertile ground in our development and becoming. From our first breath – we set out on a journey – moving through time and space within a greater procession of existence – toward a New Day – personally and collectively. The New HUman, is the embodiment of the New Day.
Every event and experience on this planet – from wars, to pandemic, to weather phenomenon, to mass shooting, killing, destruction of nature, ALL the things we witness as life… God, the Light, is in every circumstance. Even what appears evil and insurmountable, is playing a necessary role in the evolution of this planet and the emergence of a New HUmanity.
New Minds, New Bodies, New Hearts: a new genetics means biological age is over taking chronological age. Prior to this NOW in the human story, when the soul reached a certain level of development, it left the physical form in order to ascend. That is NOT the story of the New HUman. We are the first race of humans to experience evolving to a higher state of Consciousness and Energy, while still in human form.
The Truth will set you free! The TRUTH, the good news, is that your destiny here is so much bigger than the distractions of the world of form. There is not good and bad and right and wrong; in that perception, you lose God. Everything is Consciousness. Everything is Energy. We have spent a very long history creating reality unconsciously and from Fear. When we truly understand that there is only Love, then we see and know what is our to do. And what must come first in the journey home – back to the Light – to reunion with Source – is the individual human taking full responsibility for who they are being in the world. Making Conscious, ALL CHOICES and Decision. Which is no easy task. Unconscious life is a powerful program on this planet.
The task – becoming new humans – building a new world.
What is the Vision? What does it look like? How do we begin? The task that is before us is to become New Humans who are celebrating life, as we build a new world based on 4th and 5th dimensional principles, ethics, materials and practices. The current human approach to creating a vision is to rush in and just start building with the concepts, materials, ethics and principles that we know. Which makes perfect sense. But this is not the way to a New Day. The Bold New Vision absolutely is in our cells, the vision is internal and frequency based. So, before we may create any new concepts, we must first embody a new energy. The 4th dimension is PERCEPTION – the 5th Dimension EMBODIMENT of your Christed nature. We must build the knowing first. We must tend to the knowing, nurture it, create space and be STILL with the knowing until such a time that what is familiar and comfortable falls away and the Mystery begins to inform our lives here. So that the new creations RISE from a profound state of no need.
“In the nothingness, I AM at Peace.
In the nothingness, I have everything that I need.
My heart is so full of the New Vision within me,
that I AM content with the knowing alone.
Each moment that I meet with love,
each experience and person that I can hold in love and gratitude,
wishing for its joy and their joy as my own,
I know the Vision will begin to organically magnetize
new principles, new ethics, new materials and practices
to truly create with the Mystery.
The New Day, the Vision for a New Humanity, is not something outside of us,
it is ENERGY that must be cultivated and embodied.”
I have been holding, nurturing, respecting and anchoring this next phase for almost 2 years. Not only is the guidance and love of the Light Realms around this vision so strong… the support and community is expanding tremendously toward the Global, Unified Creations of New Earth Temples of Light. These developments are both Cosmic and Earth based and presenting clearly within 4th and 5th dimensional principles, ethics, materials and practices. I understand these principles well – having worked so closely with planetary energy over the last 15 years. The New HUman Template includes embracing a new living language between the Gaia Realms and the Cosmos, that will and has begun to show us exactly where these New Earth Temples need to be for viability and to seed future generations. This is essential wisdom. If we are just randomly choosing locations and driving the new with thought and old paradigm energy, the creations will be very satisfying to the ego, but will not hold.
With a lot of patience, while becoming increasingly comfortable with what appears to be non-movement and unknown, suddenly humans from different locations on the planet and different spiritual walks are appearing, showing up in my world! We are finding one another and aligning via consciousness and energy. THAT is 5D manifestation. And we all have the same understanding around the tasks ahead! These Global New Earth Temples of Light will be New HUman Consciousness Centers: helping humans to develop their consciousness and expand perception around what is truly happening on our planet at this time and what it means to be human in this NOW.
This is a HUGE, “LET GO and LET’S GO” phase! The New Light frequencies are incredibly refined ~ and so must be our journeys. If we are indeed, called to these 5D Missions. And let me just say, that though the 3D reality is increasingly dismal with such blatant disregard for anything life affirming or aligned with TRUTH, there is SO MUCH JOY present in the Field! Sure, we are fatigued and absolutely the Light Worker’s path can be lonely… but the JOY RISING FROM WITHIN, bringing so much levity and respite in 3D, far surpasses all that is collapsing. We are rapidly moving out beyond. The New Day shines brightly.
I’m off to Ohio, to spread the seeds of this New Consciousness, with JOY and great Love. In my absence, I hope that you will take advantage of the extensive PORTAL to all things New Light and New Day, that is DeAnne Live. There are hundreds of archives of both New HUman Transmissions and Meditations, available to support your journey, ongoing. ALL content is Light-encoded and will work with you on a cellular level, in addition to bringing you a lot of peace. Come to the site with intention. Close your eyes and breathe that intention through your heart, then peruse either the show titles or the meditations, or both. Create sacred space always, allow time and room for your spirit to JUST BE.
I’m already really excited and grateful to share with you ALL about this New HUman Immersion Experience, on the October New HUman Transmission. It is such a bright and beautiful NOW, with so much love to support us and help us build our missions here. Never underestimate your role in the Sacred Mission of a very New Earth, New HUman experience. We are all connected and we are all walking each other home, with GREAT Love and Tremendous Light,
Stay Strong and FOCUSED on the path forward, for it truly is glorious!
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Godspeed dearest DeAnne and the Shining Ones! Enjoy Ohio – I’m sure it will bask in the light and love you carry through the consciousness of LOVE alone!
Exciting and magical – Blessings!
Much love,
Gratitude Jayne,
I know all my new human tribe will be with me in spirit.❣️🙏🏽