Equinox Gateway/Next Webcast

Namaste’ Bright and Beautiful New HUmans,

The Eclipse-Equinox Gateway is open! The initiating Harvest Super Moon on the 17th was a beautiful opening passage to the Fall Equinox this Sunday. This passage brings us another leap in the acceleration of Ascension trajectories: Greater Light, Greater Clarity, Greater Grace and ease in putting our Mastery into practice.

There is a whole lot of everything happening in our world, especially in the U.S. around the impending election. Consistently dropping the mind into the heart and running the energy of Divine Neutrality, is the single greatest Mastery skill we can practice for the highest benefit of all. New minds, new bodies, new hearts IN EACH MOMENT, opens new pathways to our Divine Presence and accelerates direct heart connection for our choice-points moving forward. Remember to breathe! Divine Neutrality frees us from dualistic constructs and the denser realities while activating Crystalline Heart Magnetics.

We’ve got this! Ommmm. Poised. Centered. Strong. If ever there was a time asking that we REMEMBER WHO WE ARE, this is that moment and Love is the answer. In our Mastery, we are developing discernment of Truth, practicing inner peace with clear thought, feeling and action. Feel the flow of the Great Mother beckoning, reminding us that ALL IS WELL as we remain strong and confident toward a New Day.

I look forward to sharing this time and space with you on the next New HUman Transmission, Sunday October 6th. Until then, SHINE BRIGHT in and with this beautiful Gateway. More Oneness, less Individuation. In this world, but not of it.

LOVE is All is LOVE,

DeAnne and the Shining Ones


Posted in New Day
2 comments on “Equinox Gateway/Next Webcast
  1. Marielena says:

    Thank you Deanne!✨️🔆

  2. Marianne says:

    “Consistently dropping the mind into the heart and running the energy of Divine Neutrality, is the single greatest Mastery skill we can practice for the highest benefit of all.” Thank you, I Am taking this to heart🙏🫂❤️

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