Til Only Love Remains…

Dear Beloved New HUman Family of Light,

As I sit in the nothingness, so pregnant with New and Love and Infinite Possibilities, I feel the new harmonics rising. Everything is upgrading to keep up with the higher timeline trajectories. The Sacred Season in incredibly powerful this year as we rapidly move toward the 12th Anniversary of 12/12. The NEW LIGHT is held so strongly in our world. And as you know, I’m not sitting on a perch with that reflection as my beloved mountains adjust to a new footprint for the ancient to future wisdom held here. The frequency in recent weeks has been intensely beautiful. I feel myself trying to change, to be different, to be new – like pushing through something; a membrane, lifetimes of veils. I feel it coming from within – from the inside out, pushing out? it feels kinda like a bud opening to a flower – what does that mean? Authenticating – pushing past beliefs, stories, programming, the false self that got layered onto the pure being that came into this world. My story is your story. That is the story of the new human.

If we are going to change the patterns in our world, we must first change the patterns in our lives. There is much that no longer serves, that is tired and outworn, belonging to a different age and era of time. Admittedly, I AM tired. It takes a lot of energy and courage to shed what is personally dying while navigating a collective death cycle. And yet, as this planet and the old paradigm unravels around us in the outer reality, the RISE, the beauty of the Light being born from within, propels the New Self forward.

Everything true and beautiful is HERE!!
I feel it enveloping me.
Protecting. Lifting up. Calling to a New DAY!

As I sat in stillness this morning, this remembrance bubbled up from inside of me and filled me with both peace and power! First we are molded and shaped by God. Then we are molded and shaped by an illusion. Then, if we are fortunate and brave enough, we are molded and shaped by the True Self.

I’m off to Omaha for a week. A Thanksgiving filled with nurturing, care-taking, generosity and genuine love from shiny new humans. But, I felt to check in with you, sharing some of what is streaming and swirling within and all around me in this moment in time. You will all be in my heart over this respite of gratitude, abundance and shared blessings, hoping you all find time and space for the deep heart of Oneness. Know that there are realm – shifting frequencies palpably present, here to transform prepared hearts. This is perfect moment to stabilize your Heart, nervous system, lightbody, and consciousness through Zero Point.

The following is what is kinda working on me, through me, in anticipation of the December New HUman Transmission!! I AM grateful for the humans coming to me with questions, wanting energetic support, and giving me purpose within which to focus my energy and serve, in my still very upside down known.

On Solar Flashes, Divine Intervention and the Return of the Christ.

A profound level of awakening, activation and elevation has recently taken place within the Collective Consciousness of humanity. And yet, we get SO distracted by division and parties and personalities. PAY ATTENTION. What is true and you can SEE it and feel it within every facet and construct of life – people everywhere are beginning to tap into this information. Through many different levels of awareness of course, but people are trying to interpret the life transforming event of what is being called a Solar Flash – and how it will manifest in the physical world. There is a lot of misinterpretation out there on this event. So I AM bringing to you a higher realms, Shining Ones message surrounding this activity. ALL misinterpretation on any subject or potential is driven by fear. Always. Fear that may not even be consciousness but that is deeply programmed into the Collective Consciousness of humanity.

Much of this fear within the spiritual community is stemming from obsolete prophesies based in separation and duality. It’s a NEW DAY people. This misinterpretation – just like the event of 2012 – is just creating distraction. That could actually delay the ascension of this planet in one form or another. Just as with the end of the Mayan calendar – there continue to be prophecies that say there will be an instantaneous moment in time when this planet will experience the 5th dimensional crystalline solar frequencies – of heaven on earth. For many, this seems improbable given the pain and suffering occurring on earth, because they are using the perception of the ego mind, of story and programing and separation – rather than the heart. So humans fantasize about Divine Intervention that is going to suddenly swoop in and make everything better. No powerful celestial forces are coming to save us. We are actually too loved and regarded with high esteem for that to happen. It’s not even what we want as Souls, as spiritual beings. False False False. This limited and persistent interpretation just reinforces that we are powerless to create this kind of change necessary in our planetary ascension and transfiguration. There have been various movements, over the last half a century really, that have been predicting, waiting for, expecting this kind of divine intervention. Be it Jesus, or Extraterrestrials or Cosmic Beings or the Photon Belt or the Null Zone. And now – the Solar Flash.

What would be the point of the NEW HUMAN if some outside force or cosmic event were coming to save us? There is nothing new about power influencing humanity from without. The New Day is about taking back our power as Divine, Sovereign Beings – through an inner activation and awakening. We are the sons and daughters of the Universe. Everything knowable and unknown about Father Mother God, is inside of us.

I recently took 2 beautiful male souls from Alabama, out for a sacred earth experience. Yes, even in the midst of apocalyptic destruction in the world of form. Everything showed up. We meditated in landslides and mini vortices, while the animal kingdoms and inter dimensional presence communed with us. At one point, I was asked to define Consciousness. What is Consciousness? If that question is answered quickly and matter of fact, it is likely an intellectual response.

But as I sat with this question and took it within, it occurred to me that the response to “What Is Consciousness” would be very similar to “What Is God.” What is Consciousness? Consciousness is everything. I AM Consciousness – you are Consciousness. Consciousness is a living, breathing organism, an intelligence out of which everything else has evolved and will eventually return to. WE are Consciousness experiencing ItSelf. Nothing is separate from this Consciousness. We are ALL particles and expressions of this greater Consciousness, that is God.

This IS our Divine Birthright. Thought and Feeling are creative faculties that every human is invested with – along with Free Will. Our greater purpose in being incarnate on this planet at this time, is to learn how to use our Free Will and Creative Faculties, to become co – creators with our Light Family, with Higher Realms Intelligences, with Father Mother God. This is the heart of the Aquarian Age. This is the heart of the New Sum now dancing as particles with this planet – with your cells. UNITY!! ONENESS. To move without thought, to FEEL and trust the New Day and go forth into a very new understanding of what it means to consciously create reality. The only way this New Reality of Heart Based Creation will manifest on this planet, is for you and me and the rest of humanity to co – create it. This is being accomplished NOW.

I sense it, I feel it, I experience it as I walk the desolated landscape of Helene here in WNC – yet my mind is still, free from thought and fear and uncertainty and change. Because the light glistens, coils like a DNA spiral and projects through my Pineal ( mind of god within) and the New Earth Landscape. Which is JOYOUS and here. Now. Manifesting. With every breath we take. With every thought, word, feeling, action, belief AND memory we express, that is based in LOVE and Light.

We are not alone. We are not victims in an unfair world. Anytime you call upon, evoke higher realms consciousness, your particular guides and angels, the Ascended Masters, your star family, the Council of Light, Shining Ones, Father Mother God – ALL Consciousness within you, call upon and ask for assistance – they joyfully respond and will help us the maximum that Cosmic Law, the Principles of the Light, will allow. But they cannot and will not do this for us. As the Hopi Prophecy indicates – WE are the Ones we have been waiting for. Its US. Its US. It is US.

Close your eyes and feel this awareness within you. It is not new information. We have been preparing for many lifetimes, all for THIS MOMENT IN TIME. Here NOW to accomplish a Divine Mission that all of the heavens is celebrating. We knew exactly what we were signing up for before we incarnated on Earth – and that it would not be an easy mission. If you have followed the New HUman Teachings here for a while now or read any of my books, you know this through the Vertical Dispensation and the Shining Ones Heart: Heart of the New Sun. And what we are still being encouraged with a very high love to remember NOW… is that even though we had full knowledge of just how challenging this NOW Process would be – we joyfully, willingly chose to BE HERE NOW. To incarnate on Earth during this auspicious time, anyway.

WHY? Because we want the stars in our crown. Because of how much we love the Light and trust LOVE. We hold the full picture, the vision of where we are going, of what life will be like for humanity and the elemental kingdom and Mother Earth, inside of us. After The New Human was complete and the title clear, only then was I given the preface to the book: The New Day. Why? Because the New Day is inside the New Human Race. We are the return of the Christ as a Consciousness chosen by the Creator, to manifest a new kingdom on this planet. These are not words to me. This is a re-membrance. And even witnessing my beloved home so seemingly annihilated, I remember the New Day. It is inside of me. We already know and have seen and embodied what Ascended Mother Earth looks like. It abides IN us, in our light bodies as a crystalline and solar New Earth. And that remembrance is SO strong and steadfast, so beautiful, that we realized that no matter what we might need to endure, it would be infinitely, gloriously worth it.

I feel this tremendous pulsing OMMMM inside of me as I write this. That OMMMM is pulsing with LET’S GO! LET’S GO! LET’S GO!! The reason there is so much talk and speculation about the Solar Flash currently in the Field – is because the new humans, children of the light, are in the process of co-creating it NOW. Everything that is unfolding is not something outside of us happening TO us, but purposeful events that we are creating by raising the energy, vibration and consciousness of Mother Earth. Her journey is ours and our journey is Hers. This is why I felt it such a privilege to experience Helene (“incoming light”) with Her. As She evolves – all life evolves with Her.

We must continue, no matter what our journey entails, to add our light to the planet and transmute the suffering that is out picturing. That is your power. You have that power within you. All human mis-creations are just that, mis-creations. We now have the gift to begin, with assistance from every realm and dimension, to create consciously. Know that we are well on our way to the reaching critical mass of the frequency vibration necessary to create our ascension into the full embrace of the 5th Dimensional, Crystalline and Solar New Earth.

Focus UP new humans. Consciousness UP! Everything is working together for the good. The recent election results in the U.S were part of the momentum of critical mass frequency. Were you able to maintain equilibrium through that process and outcome? ALL is now pulsating within the system of our Grand Central Sun. Remember this key remembrance from the Shining Ones: “There is no waiting.” We are already free. And we must now begin and continue to walk into the Light of the New Day, with joyful trust and knowingness that it is already here. Anything less, just prolongs painful situations. We are co-creating what is now unfolding. As we continue to increase our light work, deliberately becoming the most powerful instruments of the Divine, of Light and Love, of Consciousness and Energy that we are capable of being, every moment of everyday, everything changes. Is changing. Has already changed.

As we begin this Sacred Season, add your love and light to the world new humans, everyday, in great and small ways. Til only love remains. That is your power. That is your future. That is the New Day.


The art included here was created by a local artist, Barbara Lange. Barbara was a beautiful mentor, encourager and guide for me when I first moved to North Carolina. She moved to FL sometime around 2012? but before she went, she gifted me this piece of art. Created just for me, she said the quote reminded her of me. The blond, “spirit in the stars” is me ~ kinda flying across the sky.

I have kept this treasured art on the wall from the moment I brought it home. In sharing it with you today, it is to remind you, me, all of us, that when any one person sees something special, of value or worth acknowledging in you, celebrate it and receive it wholeheartedly. I feel we often don’t give ourselves enough credit in life or see the light that others find endearing, and easily see in us. I just imagine all of you reading this, being up there with me, burning across the sky and daring to live each day beyond the common place.

Stay warm and safe and content however you are celebrating GRATITUDE this year. I look forward to our time together next month, creating sacred space, on the final New HUman transmission of 2024.


DeAnne and the Shining Ones


Posted in New Day
5 comments on “Til Only Love Remains…
  1. Kim Morgan says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Your words resonated deeply.
    Helene brought a different, shocking, and unexpected energy. I am exhausted and anxious, yet excited & hopeful. There is a lot of change happening, and the energy is intense. I definitely must ground more and create a ritual to allow the energy to filter at a pace that allows me to transform positively with the changes!

    Much Love & Light,

    • DeAnne says:

      Rituals are both a new human practice and remembrance Kim. You’ve got this! We’ve got this. I’m right there with you. We are side by side in the New Day! 💫❣️

  2. nikki dolan says:

    Oohhhh so much Gratitude for this life!
    For YOU DeAnne!
    Love this message.
    Love the New Day and embracing each day as a new beginning with possibilities abound!
    Here in Oz we don’t have thanksgiving however I am truly thankful and appreciate every day on this beautiful planet.
    And Pluto is now Aquarius! Phew! 😅 Now change will be like a fresh breeze gently blowing across the realms.
    And grounding! Good point @Kim ! Definitely need to ground each day. It totally helps me as part of my morning routine otherwise I need someone to grab my feet and pull me back to earth 😂
    Definitely focusing 🆙
    I’m excited.
    We are the people we have been waiting for!
    Have fun.
    Love All ways

    • DeAnne says:

      Grateful to be holding the new human axis points on opposite sides of the world Nikki! 😉 You are my people, I AM your people, and this KNOWING both anchors and rises within us everyday! BOOYA! Pluto in Aquarius??? REVOLUTION ANYONE?? 🤸🏿😍💫 Let’s GO!!

      LOVE YOU Nikki – keep on shining that awesome aussie light! I SEE YOU!

  3. mark says:

    “What would be the point of the NEW HUMAN if some outside force or cosmic event were coming to save us? There is nothing new about power influencing humanity from without.” Just reading those two phrases has allowed me to complete and transcend that slight but still always latent hope to be ‘saved’ by external divine forces. We are that divine force. It was just wonderful to this New Day DeAnne. New Light, New Energy restored and restorative.

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