We Are Each Other’s Keeper

In a time of great turning, there is also great mourning. As the New Light continues to permeate our world, life as we have known it, loved it, cursed it and celebrated it, seems to be falling apart. And yet, within the chaos and destruction, loss and sorrow and devastation, something powerful and new is taking hold.

In the January New HUman transmission, we explored deeply the questions, WHY ARE WE HERE, WHAT DO WE WANT? I know for certain that those questions asked in this NOW, within this current humanity, will result in very different answers than just a decade ago. Even more so, across time and evolution of a world, a species and a planet. The fires in CA and HA, the flooding in FL and WNC ~ with each unprecedented and nonsensical stripping away, with life as we have known it laid bare, we are called deeper and deeper into these existential NOW questions of WHY ARE WE HERE, WHAT DO WE WANT?

What do we do without the familiar? How do we navigate the unknown? Where do we turn, what motivates our choices and decisions when so very little feels safe or secure? Will we keep building our lives and our fortresses of Self around the same foundations, the same beliefs, the same promises? Or will we, perhaps, heed a different call? Build different alliances? Turn within and to one another, to envision a completely new way of life?


We must become still in our sorrow, in our suffering and devastation, in our anger and bewilderment and disbelief ~quiet and inward and still enough, to begin shifting our investments and allegiances toward a new possibility for humanity and this planet. We are not cursed or unlucky, there is not some power or force outside of us greater than our own that we randomly fall victim to. Within every experience that we both live through and witness, Grace is present. And with that Grace IN THIS NOW, is a very purposeful SHIFT-POINT. WHY ARE WE HERE? WHAT DO WE WANT?

As I revisit the photo included here, looking out across a CA landscape toward a distant yet palpable Mt Shasta, I feel the same state of contemplation; a still-point that invites me inward, deeper than the moment, deeper than mind, deeper than past or future or what ifs or what comes next. This MOMENT is a pregnant still-point for all of humanity. And the only way to navigate it is through a compassionate reflection of our own humanity. That we are all in the turning together! There really are no longer the haves and the have nots, the fortunate and the forgotten, the old and the young, the disadvantaged and the more advantaged, the sick, the broken, the Olympians and victors. The New Consciousness helping to rewrite the story of humanity and RESET the course of our history, is UNITY! ONENESS. A coming back together; remembering that we truly are a family. Then everything changes. Everything is changing.

So, what exactly is our role as these SHIFT-POINTS, more and more, seem to be exploding like bombs across the landscape of our country, our world, our planet? We must hold it ALL in great care. Not fear. Not pity. Not relief that it is happening someplace else. As we witness the great turning of a species and planet, a powerful thing that we can all do everyday, is to send our energy and love, to meditate and pray as if you are in the moments, with the people in their experience ~ all the while asking yourself anew each day;


Compassion. Grace. Trust in the greater process unfolding. The desire to be fully present to it ALL. Holding it all in great care. The inner and outer healing will take time. Humans handle and respond to devastation differently, handle situations differently, the choice to move or persevere… opinions and emotions flow freely when disaster occurs. In the Great Turning, devastation is not worse for some and better for others. We must hold it all, ALL beings everywhere, in Divine Neutrality. There are New HUmans in CA, HA, WNC – I have friends and spirit family affected by crisis and disaster. I AM sure you do too! Be present. Listen. Remind them to breathe. Send comfort and care. Help if you feel guided, centered, and capable. No matter who we are or where we live or what our current journey entails, we are all called and capable of heartfelt service in sending blessings of comfort and hope to all the human hearts affected by fires, floods, wars, myriad fears and the continued expressions of a world both coming undone, yet determined to RISE.

holding it all in Great Care.

Infinite LOVE and BLESSINGS to you,

Infinite LOVE and BLESSINGS to all beings everywhere,

DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
2 comments on “We Are Each Other’s Keeper
  1. Annette says:

    Yes!This moment, every moment, is the beginning. New Life.
    Thank you for this article 🙏 ❤️

    • DeAnne says:

      Namaste’ Annette,
      Lovely to connect with you here and appreciate sharing your comments. I think you are friends with my dear Kiwi sister Martine. It’s a small world when we are all devoted to the same light. Love to you in your part of the world.❣️🙏🏾

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