New Live Webcast Today!

New minds, new hearts, renewed investment in our personal and Collective reality… we must begin perceiving and understanding our world differently. The New Human Consciousness and Energy is a Paradigm of remembrance, heightened responsibility and meaningful service in the awakening and transformation of humanity and Earth.

Each transmission is a relevant expression, through light-codes, sound, higher mind consciousness and vibrational attunement, shifting awareness and perspective to a new possibility and reality now manifesting on this planet.Alex_Grey-Wonder As you attune your consciousness, mind and heart to a new atmosphere, a new potential and relationship with the reality around you – you will both transform your own experience and see clearly the expanded role you play in the evolution of our world. Everything connected – everything matters – everything IS spiritual. This is the consciousness pivot we must embody in this now!

Come and learn about the energies anchoring for July, how California’s challenges will continue to impact the world at large, the greater level of communication from the animal kingdom and what they are saying, an expanded view on the rising gun violence, a new meditation to inhabit the physical body more fully with your Light … this and so much more. With Love and Strong wanting, for a world in the throes of great shift and lasting change.

Today on The New Human! 2pm Eastern on DeAnne Live!
If you are not able to listen LIVE – you can catch the webcast on mp3 later at your convenience!

One Love, United we are a New Earth!


Posted in New Day
3 comments on “New Live Webcast Today!
  1. OMFeet says:

    There’s been a momentum building as this webcast nears. Does anyone else feel this? Such joy! Also, a feeling of release. Whatever happens it will be incredible.

  2. DeAnne says:

    I certainly do – lol does that count?? 🙂

  3. Dolphinsmile says:

    I feel it! I hurry and put on my New Human t shirt, put the Shining Ones book on my right side, and the heart shaped rock from DeAnnes retreat from the Shining Ones forest on the left side. The anticipation builds…The clock strikes 1:00…Heres DeAnne Live. The energy goes off the charts! The show connects me to another world. Thanks a million DeAnne for this new website!!! Each day you give me the guidance that I need. Keep up the great work! You are appreciated and loved much! Greg

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