Everywhere Love

Thank you to everyone that joined in the LIVE broadcast of The New Human Transmission yesterday – I am grateful for the community gathering and the energies building in support of lasting change and reinvested lives. Our world is in such turmoil on the one hand, so many of our human family struggle and have all but given up on having a relationship with peace. And yet, all around and within the chaos and the warring and the unconscious investment in the illusion of duality, there is a subtle illumination building. Separation folding into a new Unity, fears being quieted by this something calling humanity out of its slumber and inertia… balance is being restored in big and small ways to a planet destined for peace.

I am remembering just now, something from the show yesterday – there was so much being conveyed with such love, a vertical dispensation of new energy and thought-form, yet this imagery and message stands out in this moment:
“What is happening on earth right now is like a freight train running down the track at great speed – it cannot stop on a dime – but we can and do have the power, each of us, to correct the course; to begin using that energy in a different way.”

And that truly is where is begins, right now, in small ways, changing the course of our own lives, toward more Unity, community, sustainability, simplicity, joy, meaningful purpose and love – everyday – and in so doing, changing the course of our world.

The old bar of soap had broken into small pieces so I got out a new bar of soap and began fusing the two together each time I showered. This had gone on for about a week. Then last night, still marinating in the wisdom and love of the transformational energies running in yesterday’s webcast – I picked up that fusion of old and new substance and found a simple reminder 20140629_211742of why we’re here and what is most important: LOVE! There was no human manipulation in this pointed communication – non-physical realm to human. I felt the energy of this love so strongly it moved me to tears. Right there in the midst of it all, love. Always and only, Love.

Yes, we are deep in the void of evolutionary rebirth – it is messy and unpleasant with an amplification of shadow and chaos the world over. And yet, the greater power and grace always with us, humanity and Earth at all times, is LOVE. It is a consciousness deep seated in the hearts of every living thing on this planet.

The lives of the new humanity now coming into power, authority and a new leadership have the intention of a common goal, making personal decisions for the good of the whole and within the understanding of a vibrational Collective. This is the way forward, this is our freedom, this is the way home. “There is a consciousness deep seated in the hearts and lives of every living thing on this planet …”

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Everywhere Love
  1. OMFeet says:

    Deep felt hugs to the New Human family. Your words are very moving, DeAnne, humanity will make it to living as one with Love.

  2. DeAnne says:

    thank you Cindy – we’re all in this together and together we are a bright and united future! <3

  3. Karen says:

    Last week I had a visual phenomena of the vertical dispensation appear before me & envelop me with energies of LOVE/LIGHT…….vertical white cloud formations all around me in the sky/sea of the bluest blue! So blessed …….we can, thy will, I AM………..LOVE is all around us…….let us breathe it in deeply…… ((((((((+)))))))))

  4. DeAnne says:

    that sounds AMAZING Karen – thank you for sharing with us! <3

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