There is an incredible new space of energy – an authority and power within the heart now that we have made it through this last gateway. The heart has been through quite a transformation and shift this last week – which I will go into more extensively this Sunday. But basically that also means that the egoic consciousness has also been repositioned in our lives and in our world. Everything has changed – I know I AM a different person now – more my Self with more clarity about who I AM in the reality around me.
The New Light is anchoring deeper into the physical aspect – inhabiting more of body temple. Notice this – pay attention to the consciousness now operating IN your body temple. It is TIME to live our new and expansive visions that hold more possibility for this humanity. It takes conscious engagement to experience the movement toward the New Self. Take time to experience these August energies – the incredible power of August. The image above is what I see in the energy fields around me – lots of golden swirled with red tones – the union of the heart with the Solar Plexus – power center. Freedom to BE and LOVE and forgive and heal. We are in a great restructuring period and I have much to share in the next New Human transmission this Sunday, the 17th – visuals, metaphors, direct guidance from the Shining Ones on how to prepare for the next energetic shift the first week of September.
In the mean time – notice the new meditation that went up to help with the assimilation and integration of this New Light/heart consciousness/I AM unification – as well as new music and Gaia posts. There is a community here that you have called to your Self – a support and resonance working vibrationally with the unconscious aspects of your emerging path. Take time to explore the many resources here – spend time as with the image above – sitting in the well of the deep heart and contemplating the consciousness and energy streaming here on behalf of 5D you and a transforming world.
With great Love,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Riding this wave of transition in a conscious form is transforming in itself… I’m right with you on this one! It is a glorious adventure we are living!! I am having such a great time now that my heart is opening to the fullness of what being a complete expression of soul feels like. Thank you, DeAnne, for ‘being’ the guide you so graciously are!
It is good to see you happy and thriving once again Dawnell – you deserve to experience the JOY that you are! <3