Good Morning New Human Tribe of beauty and Light!
Just sharing another nature moment during this vast and uplifting Solstice gateway we just passed through. I call this video “wind and acorns” and you will soon see why. Just feeling the energies conveyed by the vibrational world easily highlighted this dominant theme of the nature that day.
When we think of wind, we think of freedom, lightness, effortless movement and when we think of acorns what comes to mind is strength, endurance, courage and power. Close your eyes and tune into either of these expressions of the natural world and feel them energetically, get to know them beyond what the mind perceives and understands. As with all of the existence you know – there is a literal form to attach qualities to and then there is a vibrational expression and meaning that supercedes the world of form.
I look forward to communing and sharing the energies and lightcodes of the vibrational world with you this Sunday in the next New Human Transmission. In the meantime, take a little reverie into the energies of this video and meditate on the qualities of the wind, the light and acorns conveyed. Because these are the vibrational essences and invitation being extended to humanity from the ascension spiral at this time. How might you incorporate more of these qualities into your known and allow the truer essence of your being and purpose to emerge at this time? That is the “key note” of attunement as we head into another new month of life, welcoming more mystery, more spiritual life and responsibility and greater commitment to the Love from which we came.
I love the picture of the tree before the video starts. It reminds me of the Ents in Lord of the Rimgs. That was always my favorite part of the book way before the movies came out. I just love the idea of talking ~ walking trees. The sound of the wind in the trees was lovely. The squirrels must be feeling pretty confident right about now!
lol – yes – the squirrels in the mountains are quite sassy and well fed to start with. Whatever winter brings – we welcome it with all our hearts! xo
The whisperings of the trees in the wind was just delightful & the colours gorgeous xxx
Abundance indeed, how blessed we are by Gaia <3 Goddess <3 Divine <3