Are you feeling this?? WOW! This week’s Full Moon energies are carrying some extremely potent positive aspects that could equally so effect individuals and global leaders. Thank you Universal energies for always watching out over humanity with such love and trust in who we really are at the core. So many things are simmering beneath the surface of individual and global psyches and the current energies with the support of this Blood Moon can address these issues that are creating so much conflict and sorrow at this time.
Wherever you are feeling stuck in our life, wherever you feel hung up or unable to move forward or out of inescapable contradictions and conflict – ROAR – summon up you inner fire and allow Spirit’s ungovernable, unstoppable flame to literally consume the roadblocks in your life.
I feel SO determined – SUCH determination building within. And it doesn’t really even need an objective or focus point – it is just this subtle yet undeniable resolve to NOT BE HELD DOWN or back or in limitation. Really take time to acknowledge how these forces of good are manifesting and interpreting into your life.
This is a TIME TO MOVE FORWARD. Go back and feel, visit, really absorb the blog entries of this new paradigm teaching this last week – they are building and rising with the greater Cosmic Forces. Refuse to be be satisfied with small, subtle, and incremental change. Think big, plan carefully but not necessarily with caution – just discernment and wisdom – and execute your grand designs with the courage characteristic of the One who has remembered – a FEARLESS warrior of the Light! The cosmic wind is at your back and your sails will soon fill with the energy you need to break through the obstacles that are preventing you from fulfilling your dearest hopes, achieving your loftiest spiritual goals and reaching your most cherished material ambitions.Embrace this power and your relationship to it. Stand strong against all forces that defy the Light and emanate the holiest of Love. Use these sacred fires to redefine the perimeter of your life and reach for a New Horizon for your Self and our world.
Blessed be the meek (strong in Spirit) for they shall inherit the Earth! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Went out at 5:30 am this morning to observe the Blood Moon Eclipse. Found an unfettered ( almost light pollution free) view of this beautiful and powerful eclipse in a park around 3 minutes from my home. Initially, no one else was with me in this space and I just absorbed the energies. Then, a woman who shot by my parked car joined me, and we shared amazing moments together as I told her about the energies of this Moon. I came home, went back to sleep for a short time and felt blissfully happy that I had had this experience.
thanks for sharing Mel – I especially like the “shot by my car” energy – lol took a walk pather on top of looking glass rock with the leaves just beginning their colorful shift! We had almost an hour on top of forever by ourselves with these magnificent forces and the beauty of the Earth. It has been a week now at least that has felt like I am under a parachute and it is carrying me over a new creation. Be looking for pictures here on nature central soon~ xoxoxo
I AM the Arisen Christ Child….Infinite LOVE & GRATITUDE (((((((+)))))))
We had a cloudy night here for the Full Blood Moon Magic, but when I went to bed I looked through the curtains hoping & longing for a glimpse……& behold the Light of Grandmother Moon ROSE out behind the clouds for just enough time for me to witness Her GLOW & breathe in Her GLORY….I AM SHE who is truly blessed & truly grateful <3 <3 <3
I have a relationship with rocks, minerals and gemstones. They are actually part of my family. Their energy helps to focus my meditations and reflections. I took them out last night and placed them on an old Navajo blanket next to the waterfall in the backyard allowing them to absorb the magnificent energies and influences flowing to us from the heavens.
They loved it. They are back in the house now on the dining room table where they live, together, one happy family. When I sit with them each day I feel like I am in the cockpit of my energy vehicle and we soar thru the universe together, exploring new to me realms of existence. It is bliss.
that’s an awesome and fitting description Kathleen – cockpit of your energy vehicle! I always put my “kids” out on the full moon too! They don’t let me forget!! 😉