The November energies remain consistent and strong, you can actually feel the “field” as a Consciousness within, the Universe is speaking directly to us as if there were only one of us here – and yet, the fullness of support and buoyancy is Planetary in nature.
“TRUST, BELIEVE, you may have your heart’s desire, abundance is yours for the remembering, you were worthy the day you took on this duality, it’s time to wake UP starseeds, you are a necessary equation in the over expression of Evolution, Ascension is not about what you leave, it is about what you allow; for you and your world. In the quickening and remembrance of expansion, focus not on what needs to or is coming undone – simply CHOOSE YOUR SELF. And the entire landscape of reality will change for you. It is time to CHOOSE YOU. That is when you and the Universal energies join forces, in earnest. And everything changes. For the highest good of all.”
New Human Star Log
*** If you missed the 11/11 transmission of the New Human – it is 100 minutes of light-codes and 5D consciousness peering through every facet of the November energies: how to work with them, make the most of them, avoid egoic pitfalls and self defeating tendencies and begin truly embracing the co-creative journey of working with Universal Forces, consciously, joyfully, empowered and with mastery. You are encouraged to listen many times with the promise that each time, you will hear and garner and embody something wholly different and new. That is the nature of 5th World and ultimately the nature of Divine, New Human, you!
My message since last night continues to be “it’s about committing to the possibility. ..taking that first step to the possibility of seeing something coming into fruition. ” and my fear was alway taking that first step.
you got it! the mind will think you out of every possibility – when all you have to do is TAKE THE FIRST STEP – in the direction of the possibility, of your heart’s desire and the dream you are dreaming awake now! YAY!!
I declare that my heart’s desire is to sing as ONE with my Heart’s Song. I RE*claim & I RE*member. I surrender my fear & RE*place it with Divine Source Energy Love/lLight 11:11 Blessed BE (((((((+))))))) may the clouds of unknown be lifted………⬆️