Set An Intention

10171656_872278296145994_5500017307711690507_nWhen you wake up in the morning and before drifting off to sleep – as you are driving down the road or returning home after a long day, before social or business experiences, in meditation and in yoga – when walking the dog or cleaning house, before preparing a meal or having free time on the internet… in all these things and often throughout your day – SET YOUR INTENTION! In that way, no matter where you are or who you are with or what you are doing – you know that the highest and best scenario will unfold and you will leave that moment in a higher vibration than when you came to it.

The November energies are still poised to reveal new levels of awareness, connection, understanding and peace about who you are in the world and the greater identity you came to remember and embody. Move with whatever is, bless it, hold it up to the Light and remain steadfast in your intention to see the world and your Self clearly –  finding greater freedom and peace in allowing!

Love to ALL,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Set An Intention
  1. suzie says:

    Awesome post DeAnne! My intention yesterday was to “be in my peace” and I was when a consequential bump in the road occurred….I felt so liberated and centered.

  2. suzie says:

    Amazing how something so simple can be so powerful!

  3. DeAnne says:

    don’t we love the bumps in the road – they help us hone our skills of spiritual mastery! Intention is right up there with the breath as a daily, moment by moment tool of empowerment and balance in our spiritual practice! xoxoxo

  4. Karen says:

    Lol…….indeed….I have been voicing this/my intention very spontaneously …. in the spaces it comes….. All things are possible!! …. I welcome the energies of Amazing Grace into my heart & into my life….Blessed BE (((((((+)))))))

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