I notice that I am especially drawn to balance poses in yoga class, of which there are many. I do love and have gratitude for the whole practice of yoga in general – yet when we do any form of a balance pose, I feel this curious mix of fortitude, determination and eagerness in “owning” those poses. Often times we will get into a pose balancing on one leg and then gracefully transition through 4, 5 or 6 variations of that pose, all while standing on that one, unyielding and firmly planted leg. The whole room and often the teacher, as well, disappear when I fix my mind on a state of balance. Or, is it that my body is the one leading the action and my mind bows in acquiescence to the intention and strong desire of the body temple?
Either way, I see this craving, deep yearning and disposition toward balance of the body as a metaphor and even alignment with the truest and most genuine nature of Existence. Harmony implies balance, peace implies balance, wholeness and well-being imply a perpetual and consistent state of balance. There is not any one thing that distracts us or pulls us into isolated direction – there is but One exquisite Existence that we give ourselves to in equal measure and with equal devotion. When I am holding a Eagle pose for 2 or more minutes without wobbling, I am connecting with the most organic and satisfying aspect of who I AM, a beautifully whole being with many diverse and holy aspects. Out of that strong center, out of that rooted holiness, I may explore all the interests and details and lessons of my HUman experience, yet harmony and balance remain.
We had another “tease” of warmth and sunshine yesterday in the mountains and Bodhi and I took to the trails for a long and winding, climbing and descending adventure of mountain biking. Just before the last leg of trail back to the car, we stopped at the river to clean the bike off and let Bodhi cool off in the mountain waters. There were so many river stones and they seemed to call out to me, desiring to be repurposed to match the inner hum of my being. The result of which you see here.
Equilibrium is a state of balance between any powers or influences – providing for a state of rest due to the equanimity of opposing forces. Indeed, there cannot be opposing forces and equanimity. Harmony and peace are natural consequences of strong center of balance. Balance and stability in any one area of our lives lends itself to creating more balance and peace in every other aspect. Equally so, if you consider yourself to not have very good physical balance, it is worth exploring what that unsteadiness is mirroring in other aspects of your life and being.
Just as with the random river rocks that found an effortless state of balance and harmony with one another in the imperfect cairn of my imagination, so to does every aspect of your being seek harmony with every nuance, habit, obligation, activity and construct of your known reality. Pure balance is the most basic nature of your being and the greater Universe. Spend some time and devotion in bringing perfect balance back to your world and creations. Recognize where harmony might be lacking and feel the power that comes when a new state of equilibrium becomes a priority in your world. ♥
I have a similar picture of stones that was given to me from a Soul Sister as a reminder of my inner equilibrium & power. I love the symbolism of the stones purity of perfection – strong & clear (washed smooth by the healing waters of Mother Earth), & brought into balance & harmony by a (mere mortal) New HUman aligning them most beautifully vertical!!………AHHHHHHH…..Such Magic…..All is Well……
The Vesica Pisces is also another powerful symbol for me – that brings me into alignment & gives an inner sense of Oneness/Wholness of Being <3