New Live Webcast of The New HUman TODAY @ 11:11 am Eastern. With new minds, new hearts and a new Consciousness we WELCOME this brand New Year of possibility, change, healing, transformation and 5D Existence for our individual lives and for our world. Come and join the circle and share your light with this Global Tribe of New Humans!
Awesome sauce!
Wow! Your show represented the feeling I’ve had around me for a few days, having intensified today. BEST SHOW EVER. So expansive and filled with Light. Thank you!
Beautiful Mantra and inspiring webcast for this empowering year of 2015. Thank You! 😀
I have printed out this mantra, framed it & intended it to be my 2015 Soul Song….Blessed BE ((((((((+))))))))
Thanks to everyone – I love this mantra so much – I am singing it all day long – the vibration of it alone is so healing and expansive! xo Gratitude to ALL of you for being present with me in this NOW!