The energies coming onto the planet for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway are of a MUCH Higher frequency than anything we’ve experienced thus far. This is brand new and vast territory for us all. It is vital to stay peaceful, relaxed, and aligned with your Higher Levels as this New Light does its work throughout the next week and a half. Remembering that 2015 is about ALIGNMENT – Divine Merge of the Multidimensional Self… this month, with the Equinox at its heart, is about POWER.
So, this NOW, this moment for you and me and the whole of humanity is a time of preparation and a gathering of energy in getting ready for major power to upload into your life. It is important to know what you want. Great power is available but if you don’t channel it into the right container, it will end up empowering something you would rather not empower. Intention and dominant desire are easily suppressed if your attention is otherwise fixated.
Sometimes knowing what you want is determined by eliminating what you don’t want. You certainly do not want to empower any sense of victim consciousness, sacrifice, futility and failure. So keep yourself positive during this time by looking forward and inspiring yourself through invigorating your environment and taking some action daily towards positive change. Stillness and spiritual disciplines are important, but so is active participation with the reality around you from a new understanding and connection to the Self. Join in, express yourself, use your voice and shine your light in new, impassioned and bold ways.
Breathe, Bless, Shine and Surrender during this transformative Equinox passage~
Love, Light , JOY of Beingness, DeAnne
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