Taking Aim With Precision And Love

There was a beautiful buoyancy present Wednesday – it is both curious and humbling observing and feeling and deepening with this Equinox Pull. The imagery the Shining Ones kept inserting into the vibrational tone yesterday was that of a bird, lifting into a perfectly poised imagesand suspended moment just before it goes racing with great speed toward its target either on land or in the water. This is an instinctual behavior for the bird, it knows what sustenance it needs to survive, it is that instinct that keep it vibrant and healthy and in the game of life.

I understood this imagery, as I do all images and sacred geometry, vibrationally, as light-language from the nonphysical realms… where everything is energy, everything is light. As was shared in the previous days post, Know What You Want, we are coming into a 3 day period where we have the opportunity to refine our objective, image0014dive deeper into our wants and desires for our individual lives and the greater expansion of our world, see more clearly where we fall into old patterns of belief and get trapped in stuck patterns and in so doing, set a new course of positive action and empowered choice as we align with higher vibrating expressions of the hUman we know ourselves to be.

Quiet the mind and create some stillness around this one pointed focus of a bird seeking its sustenance. Feel the energy of its focus, its strength and power. In that moment, it is as if nothing else exists, nothing is more important, the power of its aim is stronger than any power that would serve to distract it. This is the energy you want to engage with this next triad of anchor dates, 3/13, 14 and 15 2444555943_85551c2988for the Equinox next week. Move things of distraction out of your field, let go of limiting thoughts and defeating behaviors and replace them with self care, things that nurture and strengthen vibrational you. Get in touch with a new image of a fully empowered you, a you aligned with the greater truth and purpose of who you are. What would that look like, what would you be doing differently, what small or greater thing can you do right now to prepare the space for this new to take root and become the new foundation of your life?

Key words: Multidimensional Merge, Year of Alignment, Month Of Power! Listen for the voice of your Higher Self as we move closer to this gate of reunion, the lower with the higher, the outer with the inner – feel and begin to embrace what would be different if multidimensional you were the one designing your life.

Love Love and More Love, together we forge a new future.
In Peace and with much JOY! DeAnne and the Shining Ones

The New Human Equinox Event: 3/20 11:11am

You Awakening with DeAnne and the Shining Ones: New Human, New Story, New Society! 3/31 2pm eastern. youawkening.com

Listen now and receive a very full download and attunement of Shining Ones wisdom and New Consciousness Pivot!! 3/3 replay: youawakening.com


Posted in New Day

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