Flow~ each moment spilling into the next – calm and peace – no mind. Focusing the mind on the here and now – calling the mind back home to the moment. Aligning what must be done with stillness and Self care.
Allowing what is~
There are few words to articulate what is present in this now – the love, the strong center and new foundation, the clarity and peace filling us from within. As I sat with this frequency of Light, the opening imagery from the New Human Equinox show came to mind – the sense of drawing the breath from a deep inner reservoir and in so doing, expanding the chest, heart center and ribcage as if that inner radiance we pushing out, inner brilliance shining out, feeling with each breath the whole center of your physical body expanding and brightening from within.
I encourage you to continue to work with that imagery and connection to your breath. Early this morning. I asked the Shining Ones to fill my consciousness with words describing the current energies so that I could use the words to help anchor all this fullness, this truer life throughout my day. I shared their response above – and I encourage you to now read this light-encoded intention as if it were energy, follow it as if it were energy, feel it as energy expressing through form.
Flow~ each moment spilling into the next – calm and peace – no mind. Focusing the mind on the here and now – calling the mind back home to the moment. Aligning what must be done with stillness and Self care.
Allowing what is~
In a perfect world, I would be able to instantly capture the images that so readily fill my mind from the UEF and transmit them to you. Surely that is a viable possibility – technology that captures imagery directly from the super consciousness into a photo, a video or piece of art. Alas, until we remember that technique, the image that came to me here is a beautiful place holder – something the mind can relate to in drawing the consciousness and energy of the above words into being. Into the moment. Into the Light emerging from within. As a New Center of Being.
I encourage you to copy these words onto an index card or post it note – better yet memorize them as an energy flowing within and around you, anchoring you to a new center, a new strength, a new vision of Self and reality.
Flow~ each moment spilling into the next – calm and peace – no mind. Focusing the mind on the here and now – calling the mind back home to the moment. Aligning what must be done with stillness and Self care.
Allowing what is~
Just after the Shining Ones answered the question from my heart with this mantra of sorts, they asked me what role I would play, what action would I engage in anchoring these words, as energy to connect with truer life in this NOW. My response was this:
Remember to breathe and be fully in the moment – be really present to the moment. Be grateful – practice gratitude.
Finally, I leave you with all the above and this all important awareness to hold in your heart and expanding wisdom. There is a place on the horizon, a light directly beaming from the future of your potential mastery, into your now, with all that it entails. As you keep your focus, your awareness, your intention and being on that horizon and let nothing distract you – the magnificence and love of this vibrational atmosphere will merge with that inner brightness now expanding – and the 2 will become ONE.
Blessings of Divine Light, Divine Awareness, Divine Love…
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
*** Don’t forget! Next Live Event***
You Awakening with DeAnne and the Shining Ones: Evolving into Christ Consciousness 3/31 2pm eastern. youawkening.com
FREE but you must sign up to join in and listen to archive!!
As ONE <3