*** Speaking of Light coming forth~ please join us for an interactive and multidimensional discussion around the Evolution of Christ Consciousness at this time in our Earth journey. Tuesday March 31st, 2pm eastern on youawakening.
The Evolution Of Christ Consciousness
Along with every other facet of human experience, our understanding of the Return of the Christ is evolving from the need for a Savior to the capacity to carry these teachings forth into a new existence for species and planet. “These things and greater, shall you do.” At the heart of the Ascension process is a change in how to use the power we have been given. DeAnne and the Shining Ones illuminate the importance of finding a new image of HUman commiserate with this power of the Christ, so that Humanity can evolve and grow.
Your presence, as always, is welcomed and valued within this new consciousness dispensation. youawakening.
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