Moments Of Perfection

Summer_Lotus_HD_Photography_Wallpaper_13_1920x1200There are no accidents – everything purposeful. With or without ingenuity and planning – TODAY is a live teleconference running the energies and love of Christ Consciousness – which is at the heart of this Equinox/Eclipse Gateway. We are in the midst of a powerful passage of Ascension and undergoing dramatic energetic changes; this passage serves as an initiation to higher levels of the New Light.

Breathe, surrender and do something of love for yourself by joining in the frequencies and remembrance of today’s call. Bring your questions, bring your heart, come as an open chalice and be willing to receive your highest good. As we move from the Equinox to the Blood Moon this Saturday, all within this holy week, there will be equal parts bliss, challenge, emotional release, revelation and eerie events in equal measure. It is a Masterful passage, and there is much to share… please join me, the Shining Ones and the love of this new consciousness TODAY @ 2pm eastern on youawakening. Free to listen – archives immediately available!

Engage the Creator Breath, breathe into your heart, sing with this passage and know that all is well.

Much Love,


Posted in New Day

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