Wilderness, Waterfalls, Wonder

Sharing some expansive energy and love from Easter Day, 2015! So thankful for the Earth Mother and the beauty of the Earth everywhere… have a day of wonder and bliss new humans. ♥

Please immerse yourself in the experience and/or re-experience of The New Human/Shining Ones energies on the latest YouAwakening Teleconference!
Here is the link for the 3/31 event! http://www.youawakening.com/live

And MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the next LIVE New Human webcast – this Sunday 4/12 @11:11 am eastern. Light-codes, transformational energies, tones, harmonics and a new meditation all to assist you in The Experience of Higher Levels of Light. You are Welcomed, with Love! https://deannehampton.com/webcast-page/

Posted in New Day
One comment on “Wilderness, Waterfalls, Wonder
  1. Karen says:

    LOVE waterfalls………..so Refreshing & Uplifting aren’t they!

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