Gratitude to all who came, listened, shared in the energies and joined in participation with the YouAwakening teleseminar last night – there was an incredibly vast energy of love and the New Self present! Right now we are given the opportunity for a new scenario. We are advancing toward a completely different dispensation of consciousness – from ego consciousness to Unity Consciousness – which is inclusive of all things and everyone. It is for us to see the interelatedness of all that we do and are – concerning the earth, each other, other cultures and religions, our families …
The theme and energies running in this event were in support of us, humanity, coming together for different reasons now – propelled by this reset of the I AM Consciousness, Zero Point energy (the pull to balance) and the crystalline DNA. Carbon based DNA vibrates with KARMA – past, repeating cycles of experiences, doing something for personal gain. Whereas Crystalline DNA vibrates with the Now Consciousness, New Consciousness, moving and choosing IN love, IN joy, gravitating toward what lights you up and allows you to feel free… with the desire to serve.
If you missed the live event – the archive is now available with the same experience of light-codes, shining ones presence and love. EnJOY, Be Love, Give thanks for the Light in all things.
With Love to ALL,
“New Human, New Relationships” – DeAnne Hampton on You Awakening with Jacklyn Johnston…/deanne-hampt…/special-offer-2/
With heartfelt thanks, I continue to choose again………blessed BE <3 ((((((((+))))))))